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1st week Of Second Semester - Early PreK

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you all back to our second semester of this academic year (2023-2024)! We are looking forward to seeing our students making more improvement in this semester in all learning areas.  

Large Group: 

Our large group this week was about welcoming our new friends in the class and explaining our routine and class expectations. The kids had fun counting days of the week and learning about the months of the year. For our board message we traced some shapes on the board and had a colors’ game where each kid had a color flash card and when the color is called out, he/she came and stick it on the board. We also sang some songs like “Good morning”, “1,2,3,4,5, Jump”.

Cooperative Game:

This week we worked on our gross-motor skill by hopping and jumping from one dot to the other, once in a zig zag line and the other time on a straight line. We also practiced some ball tossing by scoring some basketballs. 


In this week session we worked with three musical instruments ‘Keyboard, Xylophone, Shaker’. Each child got a chance to try playing the three instruments after that we played a game with all the kids playing an instrument at the same time when the music is on and stop playing the instruments when the music is off!


We reviewed the farm animals we covered last term and had a quick look on the wild animals. After that we ended our session by using the animals flash cards to sort the farm and wild animals!


“Edward in Deep Water” was the tittle of our story this week. The story was about Edward who was invited to a birthday party in a swimming pool setting so he prepares the present he is taking and wears a swimming suit to the party!


In our art class this week we worked on color identification and fine motor skill by making a rainbow using a paper plate.


For today's gymnastic class we started to warm up by running and jogging after that we worked on our balance using the balance board.

 Our Schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art


Our Specials

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics


Reminders and notes

·      Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

·      Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a nice weekend!





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