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Pre-k Weekly Insight

We are so glad to be back! So much has happened these past few months! We were so busy with two wonderful projects! The Space and Jungle center!

Large group:

This week in our large group we decided to name each day with our favourite animal that has the same beginning sound as the day. Our favourite was Froggy Friday!

Small group:

We had an amazing time exploring with cereal for our math class to help us with our addition skills. During our exploration we noticed that if we ate some of them we learned another math concept called subtraction! We also explored with different coloured tiles. We learned that when you stack them on top of each other they would become different colours.

Phrases from here and there

"Oh no all my cereals are all gone! They are in my tummy now!"

"Today I am five years old! I told my daddy to bring a big cake for all of you! We are going to eat eat eat!

"What will happen if i eat the seeds of this apple?! I will become an apple!"

Next week:

Monday –Library

Tuesday – Literacy (collage with letters)

Wednesday – Math (Fun with straws)

Thursday – Science (Exploring with balloons)

Friday – Journal


Monday- Library

Tuesday - Music

Wednesday -Art


  • Due to start of the dry season please pack hat and sunscreen.

  • On Wednesday please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoe for art.

  • Don’t forget to return library folders on Monday for the kids to check out books.

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