Early Pre - School

We had a fantastic week here in Little Einsteins. We have welcomed 4 new friends Jessi, Bouz, Mukeh and Noah's W. We also celebrated Noahs' birthday. He turned 3 on February 3. We have done fun thing this week and here is a brief description of it.

We have started our mornings by reading books and singing a good morning song. Then we do the message board as the last part of our large group. We have developed our community social skills by singing together and reading books together and offering help to our friends.
Our small group activities were so fun this week. In our Math activity we continued explore with different coloured and size bears and we try to sort and categorize and even make a pattern. Last week on our science activity, we went out to our garden explore with the environment we noticed that the kids were so interested in the dry leafs we have seen the garden so this weeks we collected dry leafs from all over the school and we painted the to bring them back life. On fun Friday, we wanted to contribute in the making of jungle center. So we decided to make monkeys for the center.

Next week small group plans
Monday - Science
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday - Library
Thursday - Journals
Friday – fun friday
Please make sure your child wears old cloth and shoe for messy art activities especially on Mondays and Fridays.
Don’t forget library folders on Wednesdays for the kids to check out books.