Early pre school
Today marks the end of another great week at little Einsteins. We enjoyed socializing with each other and making new friends. We welcomed a new friend Penny. The dry weather is getting stronger everyday so we recommend you to pack and send a hat and a sunscreen when they come to school.
Large Group
This week our large group has mostly emphasized on music and making new friends. We have fun calling out our friends name and choosing a pattern for our morning song.
Small group
This week in our exploration we had literacy, Science, Math, cooperative games and library. cooperative games was the most fun of all. We played collaborative game that involve working together and helping each other.
Work time
Kids enjoyed going to the different work time centers. The centers we had for this week are magnets and puzzles, world center, cars and trucks, camping and ocean. We are so excited to start our new centre called “Our World Centre!” Each parent is welcome to come and share fun and interesting things about your country's culture, food, dance and many more. Our center runs everyday and it starts at 11:15am-12:00pm, please let us know a day ahead so we can arrange a schedule for each country.
Early preschool Exploration Schedules for next week
Next week
Monday- Math
Tuesday- literacy
Wednesday- Science
Thursday- school closed
Friday- school closed
Monday - Art
Wednesday- Music and Movement
School will be closed on Thursday 23rd and 24th of November.