Pre k
Dear parents,
What an interesting week we had. We were so excited to start new challenges and plans for this coming term. We were introduced to measurements and alliterations this week and we are going to continue learning several new ideas as part of our explorations in our small group. We are also excited to have sand box and water fun as new centers.
Small groups this week were fun because we learnt how to compare
two different size materials by placing as many beads and coins on them and this exploration continues with balancing things on a hanger to see the weight of different materials. It was also exciting to find same beginning sound animals with our names and matching capital letters with small letters. We also talked about our favorite books and we plan to make to use that to create a big log for smaller kids with our favorite book recommendations.
Next week plans
Monday – sports
Tuesday- math
Wednesday – library
Thursday- literacy
Friday – science
Specials: - Monday Music
Friday Art
Reminders- old clothes and shoes for art
-Sunscreens and hats for the sun
Have a lovely long weekend!