Dear parents,
We had a fun week at Little Einsteins. We loved having a cool weather though it was confusing when it will be super-hot and cold. We loved our new idea of large group. Since we are smaller now we can fit on our parachute and have interactive activities.
Large group and small group has been enjoyable. We loved coming up with same beginning sounds for letter of the day. We talked about how we should take care of our gardens and learnt that cutting leaves and flowers is hurting them. So we came up with making our own garden that we would be responsible to; We had fun with numbers and beads on our number flag; we loved reading our book and creating a banner of our favourite books; for literacy we used buttons to trace the letters then next to it we made same letter without a letter to trace on; carnival sports was hilarious and challenging.
Next week plans
Monday- Math
Tuesday- Puppet show
Wednesday- Library
Thursday- Literacy
Friday- Science
Specials: - Monday- Music
Friday- Art
Reminders: - Please send sun screen, hat and sun glasses
Rain coat or anything warm just in case
Please send library folder every Wednesdays
Old clothes and shoe for art on Fridays.
Have a lovely weekend.