The Kindergarten Weekly News
Dear Parents,
Hope you had a delightful week! We can’t believe we only have two more weeks left until the last day of school!!! How time flies by when you are having fun. We hope you had a great time at the parent/teacher conference. We will be sending the school photos this week. All the photos of the students are wonderful! If you like to get another one with a different size, its possible to get it with additional pay.
Week in review:
This week for our literacy class we continued to strengthen our fine motor skills. We explored with play dough and created our names, country and some funny words!
During math class we tried to figure out what comes before and after a certain number. As always our caterpillar came to the rescue to help us when we got lost!
Next week plans:
As per our students request we will be repeating our favorite activities and teaming up with the pre-k!
Mon- Library
Tue- Water fun!
Wed- Literacy
Thu- Cooperative games
Fri- Treasure hunt!
Please send in a flash starting from Monday onwards inorder to get your childs portfolio and photos.
June 8 will be the last day to return library folders and books. Please make sure they are returned on time to get the portfolios and photos.
Have a great weekend!
Maraki- 0911-48-76-81 (