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Early Preschool This Week

We were so glad to see our friends back from fall break.

School will be closed on November 20th (tentative) for Maulid celebrations.

Large group

This week we had the most interesting large groups filled with lots of conversations and shared experiences. In our circle time, we took around 5 minutes to talk about what’s’ on our mind. This will give them the confidence to speak in front of others and also make them respectful of one another.

We also took the time to investigate one of our curiosities. In one of our science activities, we went outside to investigate plants. In the process, we start having conversations about similarities and

differences of the plants we see around the garden. Then we started to talk about some of the dried leaves we saw in the garden.

Then the kids' curiosity kicked in and they start asking about what makes the leaves brown. So we took some fresh leaves from our garden to our classroom to see how leaves change from green to brown. So every morning we went to the lightbox and investigatedthe changes of the leaves. Some of the conversations that took place while investigating include,

plant investigation

“Ohh it’s dying”

​​“this one is dry now and it makes a sound”

“this one is dying maybe we can water them.”

Small Group

Math – on our math activity we tried to extend our understanding of counting. We tried to associate numbers and counting. We used bears and big print out numbers. We only tried to associate numbers from 1 to 6.

Literacy –our tracing on the board was one of the fun activities of the week as we traced different letters. We talked about what the letters are which is a primary introduction for the kids.

shape day
shape day

Shapes day – on our shapes day we talked about different kinds of shapes and how they are different from one another. We also talked about three types of lines (straight, diagonal and spiral) and we tried to trace shapes with yarn and chalk.


Our work-time stations this week were, Community, Cars and trucks, and newly created Bookstore.

Exploration Schedules

Monday- Math (counting)

Tuesday- Science (investigation of plants and color change)

Wednesday- Library (reading and checking out books)

Thursday- Pattern day

Friday- Literacy (Treasure hunt)


Tuesday - Music, and Movement

Thursday - Art


• On Thursdays please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art. Our art activity might get messy.

• Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather clothes and gears.

• Don’t forget to bring library folders on Wednesdays.

Have a nice break!

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