Early Pre-school
Dear Parents,
What amazing week we had! We were sad to say goodbye to Andrew.
Large group
This week’s large group focused on social relations and number counting. We had conversations about how to be respectful to one another. One of the most interesting games we played at large group time was ‘Pass the ball’. How does the game work?
It's simple! If you have the ball, you have to choose a friend to pass it to. But before passing the ball to your friend, you have to say one something about your friend. Some of the words they used were “You are a good friend”, “Alex you are funny”, and “I love you, Zak”.
Our other focus was in number counting. We read one of our favorite book ‘Numbers’ and had interesting conversations about numbers and values.
Small group
Math - This week we continued our counting activity to help us understand numbers and values. We used 2D numbers and counting bears to understand the values of each number.
Literacy – We explored with Zoo- phonics letters. In the beginning, we told them what zoo-phonics letters are, and we also tried to understand the differences between letters and numbers. Then we explored with the letters. Some kids knew some letters so they started singing ‘ABC’ song. It was fun.
Our plan to have a pattern day was changed into having a game day. We played different cooperative games to help us boost our social skills. Musical dot was our favorite.
Our work-time stations for this week were, Community, Bookstore, Cars and trucks, and Newly created Beach/oceans center.
Exploration Schedules
Monday- Math (Counting)
Tuesday- Science (Investigation of plants and color change)
Wednesday- Library (Reading and checking out books)
Thursday- Pattern day
Friday- Literacy (Letter matching)
Tuesday - Music, and Movement
Thursday - Art
• On Thursdays please make sure your child wears old clothes and shoes for art. Our art activity might get messy.
• Due to unknown weather conditions, Please pack both hot and cold weather clothes and gears.
• Don’t forget to bring library folders on Wednesdays.
Have a Nice Week!