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Pre-k and Kindergarten Weekly Insight!

We have welcomed three new members. Owen and Bella are in Kindergarten and Andrea is in Pre-k class. Owen and Bella are twins!

All our group members were very welcoming and showed our new students around until they got acquainted with our environment.

Math - Exploring 3-D Shapes

We have been working on 3D shapes on our previous classes. We wanted to have a fun activity so we went to our art room. We talked about our 3D shapes and their names. Each of us picked shapes and drew our own version of the shapes on a paper. We all had an understanding of the shapes and tried to interpret them on paper. Jessy tried to trace it and made a traced her shape, which was a cone.

Science- Ocean

The environment was our discussion for science this week. We talked about the oceans covering our planet. We saw each ocean on the map. We talked about what sinks and floats on oceans. We went out and experimented with different materials like, Oil, Sand, Salt and Plastics. We all had a lot of fun while exploring.

We first added Oil to the ocean sample and tried to stir it till until it dissolved. After a few minutes we understood that no matter how much we stirred it just wouldn’t mix. We then added salt in the water, as soon as we started mixing it, it vanished in the water and we could no longer see it. Noha said, ‘Look the salt is gone.’ So we found out that salt dissolves . We then added a batch of sand in the water and stirred it for several minutes.

We discovered that the sand sat at the bottom of our water sample and did not mix with water. Anna said, ‘It looks like the ocean I saw in Madagascar.She followed by saying, “we saw the beach and it looked the same .” We finally added styrofoam in the water . We tried to sink it to the bottom but it kept coming up. We tried to mix it with water but it didn’t dissolve either. So we discovered that plastic does not dissolve or sink in the ocean, so we have to be careful when disposing plastic waste materials.

Language- Matching Upper and Lower Case Letters

Our objective for the day was to work with our letters. We started our class by handing out upper case letters to our friends that starts with their names.

After we got our letters we went outside to match with the lower case letters. It was a bit tricky to find the letters but with our friends by our side, we had fun searching !

During our Music and Gymnastic class we happen to find a lot of glitters on the floor. We collected a lot of them and we gave it to Maraki. We wanted to make collage with them on Friday. So we saved them and continued on working with our Music and Gymnastics.

Have a good weekend!!!

Pre-k and Kindergarten Team!

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