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Early Pre-K and Preschool

Greeting parents

It’s very refreshing when you start your week with a good selfie! One of our class friends brought a pretend phone and took a lot of selfies with his friend’s and teachers. We are hoping to get the pictures print out by Monday!! If you are looking for a photographer, please contact Adam in Early Pre-K!! This week we have been focusing on number tallying and finding the Zoo-Phonics letters in our board. We sang a song about “present for mommy,” and that reminded the kids what they get their parents.

Helle; “I give my daddy a hat, belt, and a jacket!”

Melo: “ I brought my dad a shirt!”

Juliette: “I give my mommy hello kitten.”

This week we had a small number of kids as we send three of our friends to Pre-K, but we will have two of our friend’s from Early Preschool starting from next week, Yamlak and Alexander, our group, can't wait to welcome them.

What we have been doing in a small group

Journal Monday: This week we changed our cooperative game to journal because we have some of our friends out, the kids started by listening to the story of their teacher. Then after they come up with their own stories to share. Here is some of it.

Melo; “ it's about me, and you (Miraf) and this is a rainbow and rain, and I saw something, I hold your ice-cream.”

Saeed; ‘ this story, me Tesfaye and T (making the sound of letter T) is Tesfaye.”

Juliette: “ the butterfly is going to her house, and this is Miraf and

Tesfaye, Tesfaye is eating ice-cream, and Miraf is putting lipstick, and this is a phone and Tesfaye is calling you.”

Next Monday; cooperative game, if it's sunny we are planning to play tossing water balloons.

Math Tuesday; this week we wanted to refresh our memory by doing some sorting, counting, and number identification. They all did a good job.

Next Tuesday: we will be exploring number identification and making pattern.

Planting sunflowers: in our science class, we sat down to talk about why

the sunflower dried, we come up with some reasons, some say it because we didn’t water it and some say it just died! We explained to them its nature why it dried and that when it dried, it gives us another seed, which we plated around the grass area this week.

Next Wednesday: we will go back to our classification. We are planning to classify fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Hunting Thursday: in our literacy class, we went out for a hunt, not bears, even though we want to (inspired by the song “going on a bear hunt!!”) we went out to hunt Zoo-Phonics. We hunted then from outside and brought then inside to talk about the letters and the sounds they make.

Next Thursday: storytelling with pupates. We will still be going to talk about it first to see if they can come up with other things to tell stories.

Tip for parents*

you all can help your child based on our next week plan. if you have any question how to do it, please contact us.

In our specials

Art: we are very happy to announce that we are officially done with

our rainbow project. This week we stuck the sunray and finished with the rainbow. We started doing our “nighttime” project by painting dark blue pain.

Gymnastic and Music: we have so much fun in our gymnastics and music as we have been doing backflip!!


Mon- Music

Wed- Art


Wednesday is our Art day, please make sure your child wear their ‘Art clothes’ because we use paints and our activities get messy!

Friday is our Library day!! Don’t forget to send library folders so your child can choose a new book.

Please send your child with sunscreen and hat.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

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