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Pre-K News and Notes

Dear parents,

The hot weather continued this week. We have been drinking a lot of water and we have been working on staying in the shade during recess time.

A few reminders

Starting from next week, we are planning to open water fun during work time, so if you want your child to have water fun, please make sure you pack them extra cloth and sunscreen.

Our parent/teacher conference will be held on May 27thand 28th. Please make sure to schedule a time before


Our science plan was a combination of our favorite activities. We started with our magic milk experiment. We all took plates filled with milk and dropped small amounts of our favorite food colors. We then statured our colors slowly, until it gave the rainbow colors that we were looking to see.

We finally dropped a small amount of soap. When the soap was dropped in on our rainbow it made an awesome ripple of different colors. There was a very big demand for our volcano activity, so we planned to give each of our friends their own mountains. We went outside and started setting up our mountains. We each took turns erupting our volcanoes. We had one half-litter soda pop to erupt for a conclusion. After much anticipation and the gathering of our friends from other classes, the eruption took place and it was epic, filled with the expressions of excitement of our friends.


Our literacy activity started with our board games. We played our missing letters. We then went out to our small group to start working on our activity.

We mixed flour, water and a bit of oil to make our dough. We then proceeded to make different letters. Jessi made a few letters and said, “ this is ”j” and it is small letter.” We all took turns making the beginning letters of our names. After we finished and cleaned up we saw our kindergarten friends making slime and Marlow and Rachel wanted to do slime activity. So we planned to do it next week and went to snack.


We started by playing our favorite board game. We started working on the weight measurements. We placed different numbers of toys on each side of the scale. After we counted different items we put them on each side of the scale.

When we put 15 birds on one side and 5 bears on the other, the scale tilted to the bears. So we saw that even if the numbers of birds are bigger the weight might not be bigger than 5 bears. We continued doing the activity a few more times using different items.

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