Pre-K News and Notes
We are all very grateful and happy that you all attended our art auction. It was a great event filled with excitement and laughter. There were very unlucky bidders who lost at the last countdown and those who you used perfect timing who took the art works home. Congrats to all the art auction winners!! As we have mentioned before the proceeds of the artwork will go to an elderly home.
We would also like to thank our dear parents for attending our Parent/Teacher conference.
Quick reminders
We have started our summer camp registrations. Our summer camp will last from June 17 up to July 12. We will have different fun activities that will excite and educate our students.
Our picture day will be on Monday June 3’rd and Tuesday June 4’Th.
Depending on the moon the Eid Alfitr celebration could be on the 3’rd or 4thof June. In case the celebration is on 4’th of June we will move our picture day to the 5’th of June
Our school will be closed on either on the 4’Th or 5’Th of June. For the Ramadan celebration.
The week in review
We had a very short week as we spent Monday and Tuesday on our parent teacher conference. We welcomed Fiona and Noah in to our class after a long time.
Marlow had planned to make postcard the previous week while we were working on our literacy activity. After our large group discussions we went to our art room and collected all the decorations we needed. Noah and Andre worked on post cards that have car drawings on them. Jessi and Fiona worked on hand bags with different decoration on them. Marlow made a collage of different colour papers.
Journal Friday
After working on our journals we all took time to share our stories.
Noah: “This is the biggest race track ever!!”
Fiona: “This is a heart in the sky.”
Jessie: “Here is my family”
Have a great weekend!!
Halefom and Eyerus!