Infants and Toddlers First week!
Dear Parents,
The first week of school was a success! We had a very smooth transition in the mornings and also during the day in our daily routines.
Infants and toddlers class loved the morning exploration times. We were so busy working on sharing, challenging our selves with motor skills activities, learning to dance to the rhythm, and so much more! More importantly, we focused on getting to know each other, the school settings, the routines, and learn each other names and make new friendships.
We started the year with “All about me” theme! Sang songs and read books about our body parts!
Our favorite book was
Where is baby’s belly button
A day at the park
This week playlist included the wheels on the bus, the freeze. Ali baba’s farm and Elephants have wrinkles. And for the next couples of months, we are going to keep our theme and in cooperate it in our Highscope learning areas!
Communication between parents and teachers is just as important as the learning process. Thank you for playing your part this week. If any changes are going on at home, which might affect your child’s behavior like a parent leaving on a business trip, illness, visiting relatives, change in nanny, or nightmares. It shows up in classrooms as tantrums, tears, and excitement or saddens; we can best help your child adjust if we know why he or she is feeling a certain way. And I will be sure to continue sharing my observations with you.
If you have any more question, concerns and any information about our group, you can contact us at any time during school hours. And you can follow our blog for detailed weekly News and Notes at
Have a great weekend!