Early Preschool Monthly Updates
Dear Parents,
It was such a great beginning of the semester. We were focusing to raise different topics to talk about to boost our children’s confidence in expressing themselves. And of course we some improvements and we are happy for that.
Our Explorations

Science:our environment-themed exploration seems growing. This month, we talked and experimented on both plants and animals in our surroundings. We explored the two different ways of planting plants: from seeds and from their stem. We had hands-on experiment on both ways of planting after we talked about the steps and processes. We also went outside and see what animals we could find in our environment. We saw flies, ladybugs, small birds in a tree, big birds flying in the sky and rabbits. We talked about how we should take care of both plants and animals. That was a fun experience for all of us.

Math:working more on sorting and introducing patterns were our main focus in Math. We use different familiar objects that the children use in their daily life. We used cups with different colors so that we can match the colors and sort out accordingly. We also tried to sort based on other attributes like ‘type’. We use tissue boxes, wipes and tissue rolls to sort based on type. They were all engaged and have fun. We are still working to find some more attributes on sorting. Besides, we have started working with expanding the existing AB pattern, and encouraging them to create their own pattern using different materials. We will keep exploring more in this area in the coming sessions.

Literacy:fine motor skill and language development was our focus this month.We explored eye-hand coordination activities for the gross motor skill. We made different shaped hard papers with wholes around it and hung a shoelace into it. And we explored as to put the edge of the shoelace inside the wholes. Story telling was another area. We read the ‘Goldilocks’ book together. We used different flashcards that help us to recall the story and build some vocabulary words.

In Addition, we have started to explore with ‘Zoo phonics’ this week. We showed them some of the animals, told their stories, and introduced the sounds they make. We will keep exploring our zoo phonics in the coming sessions.

Art:last month, we made our first projects with stamping the different shapes that we explored in our Math. Introducing paint was another focus. We started by talking the materials we use, procedures and steps to follow as to paint. It was such a great experience for all of us.
We invited one of our coworker, Biruh this week for our Library day so as to read a book for the children. We sat in a circle and enjoy the story he read. You are welcomed if you have a time to come join us, and read a story together. Thank You Biruh!
Next Week
Monday- Cooperative Game
Tuesdays- Science
Wednesdays- Math
Thursdays- Literacy
Friday – Library
Thursday – Art
The children love our color idea, and it went well. We decorate our class with purple color, and talked about it in our large group. Friday was wonderful. Our whole school was decorated with purple, and the children and teachers wore something purple. We talked about what it represents in our groups. Now each group is taking turns to decide which color is going to be celebrated. The kindergartens are the first one. So, next Friday is going to be the color Green based on their choice.
Quick Reminders
Please make sure your child wears an old cloth on Thursdays for our Art day.
Please return library folders on Fridays for our Library day.
The season is getting sunnier. Please send sunscreen and a hat for your child.
This time we are building different centers. We encourage our children to use recycled materials to build the centers. And we kindly request you if you can send recycled tissue boxes, cans, card boards, and anything which you think is useful. Thank you.
We welcomed our new staff member, Adiam. she is going to be with us. here is something about her.
Hi everyone! I am Adiam, I have been working with kids for more than ten years and found myself to be addicted of their charming brilliant curious mind. I have never stopped from celebrating it every minute.
We are so excited to begin our circus class starting from next week with Eyob. Here is something about Eyob.

Hello there!! My name is Eyob! I am a 24-year-old circus artist. I started attending a circus when I was 12 and since 2012, I started to collaborate with Fekat Circus and became a professional artist and performer.
In the last seven years, up until today, I started working with children as a circus and gymnastics teacher and clown.