Infants February Updates
Dear parents,
February went by fast with a lot of fun and excitement. As always, we worked on our Physical, language, Social, and Emotional development throughout the month.

We had an excellent memories from our Zoma museum trip! It was our first successful trip, and we are excited to let you know that Little Einsteins is keeping it as a tradition and also planning to organize more trips like this.
This month our small group.
This month’s math activity included a ball drop, colored spaghetti, and touch shapes. For ball drop, the children liked exploring with the different colored of the ball. It was effortless to drop off the balls into the pipes. They were focused on the activity and worked on in their hand and eye coordination. For colored spaghetti, we give each child cooked spaghetti on a plate. They liked touching and feeling the spaghetti and adding food colors to observe and explore the changes. But most of all they enjoyed eating it.

For Touch and feel shape, we chose three shapes; we used the pipe cleaners and stick it on a cardboard. We let the children touch and feel it and talk about the shape. The children liked exploring the shapes with their hands, and they want to pick it up and remove the pipe from the cardboard, and we also got a chance to observe how well their fine motor is developing.

For music, we explored with musical instruments. We gave them shakers, drums, scarfs, xylophones, and flute. The children were touching and feeling the materials. They had fun taping with the stick, shaking, and listening to the different sounds it made.
For movement, we put some mat outside by the grass area. The children were very happy to crawl up and down, roll side to side and in and out of the tent that we custom made with mats.
This month art activity involved paint and crayons. We used Red and Yellow color paint. They took their time in painting on the paper with their hands. It was quite interesting to see how some of them were not comfortable with the messy activity and getting their hands covered in paint. Some took their time to warm up before they got messy. We are planning more paint-based activities, so we can give them more time to explore painting.

For our sensory boxes, we used Rice, cloth pin, cotton, rocks, teddy bears, letters, and fabrics and put them in two boxes so they can explore with it, and at the same time, we talked about the different textures it gives and the sound it makes.
The infant's group also took the time to explore with crayons. They liked drawing with the different colored crayons and make a different mark with it.
New center!
We are happy to announce the creation of our new center called the invention center. Students will have the opportunity to come and convert their ideas into reality.
The center was developed by the students and will completely continue to run according to their opinions. We decided to move the cars and trucks center outside by the ramp area and replaced the invention center where the cars and trucks center used to be.
Color Fridays
This month, we had four colorful Fridays Purple, Blue, Red, and white!
We spent this week talking about the color white. We explored with the white toys in the classroom and singing about colors.
For next week the Infants class chooses the color Yellow for Friday, March 6th.
We are also happy to remind you that our second family day will be on March 7th from 11:00 am- 2:00 pm. Everyone is excited to spend the day with you all and show you our new centers and share with you what we have been learning! You can bring a snack to share, and we will be providing drinks! Hope to see you all!
The Infant Team!