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22nd of March Early Pre-k Blog

Dear parents,

Here comes another early pre-k blog! Check what the kids have been involved in as they keep on learning and growing.

Large group: On our large group we continued with the number thirteen ‘13’, the cube shape and for the sound we learnt the ‘g’ sound. For our board message we counted number 1-10 forward and backward, shared about the healthy food we know and showed thirteen fingers each two together. Of course, we didn’t forget to count down each day for family day as the kids are so excited and looking forward to it.


Math: This week we started to learn about the graphing concept. We chose different materials to work with like cookies, crayons and cubes then we sorted them out and counted them. After that we had the graph on the board where we wrote the numbers of each material on.

“Four cookies” Hongyu

Music: In music session this week we explored plenty of musical instruments through a game. We used the pillows to make a circle then we put an instrument in each pillow and had kids stand around the circle facing an instrument each. After that the kids were playing the instrument one at a time to a song beat and changing the instrument when the song stops.

“Noha, this shaker?” Leul


Clay: This week the kids got the chance to witness their clay works get burned in a Kiln (Also known as Oven by the kids) before painting them. After that we finished the police car and the rabbit by painting them, the kid’s chose the colors and then started painting.

“Blue Police Car” Alen

“Pink Rabbit” Tang Tang

Science: As we have being learning about the different kinds of heathy food this week we learnt about the unhealthy food, and how we are supposed to eat little portion of it to keep our bodies healthy.


Library: Our book read on this week library session was under the title “Biscuit’s Day at The Farm” as the kids are really interested in the Biscuit character.  

“Biscuit is running” Luel

“The other book in the class?” Alen

” Cow, Pig, dog” Tang Tang

Gymnastic: we started our session today with a game where the kids moved small plastic balls from one hula hoop to the other by jumping on musical dots on the way between. After that we stretched our bodies in different positions.


 Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game 

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art


Our specials

Wednesday- Makerspace

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a nice weekend!




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