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A Fruitful and Fun Week in Pre K!

 Dear Parents,

We hope this blog finds you well! It’s been another great week in Pre K! This week, the kids tried out a new cooperative game, got moving in gymnastics, started a new project in art, continued learning about habitats in science and patterns in math, and so much more!

Reminder :We are so excited to let you all know about two events coming up.

  • The first is our annual family day! This will be held on Saturday, March 23rd and the flyer for that is below.

  • We also have an exciting football game with ICS on Tuesday, March 26th!

Cooperative game

This week, Pre K got a chance to try a new cooperative game! To begin with, we set up 2 identical arrangements with jumping ropes, with a bit of space between them. Then, we explained to the kids that they will come up in the pairs and first jump with two feet between the ropes. Then, they will jump and switch, alternating between the left and right side of the rope. They did amazing at this and had so much fun!


The kids got tactile this week in literacy! For the session on zoophonics letters, each student got play dough- they chose between pink, blue and green. Then, they got a zoophonics letter and said the sounds of the letter, then proceeded to make the letter out of playdough. Each kid got a chance to do at least 2 different letters, and their understanding of letters has improved so much! We are excited to see how they continue to grow with this. The kids also got a chance to work in their journals, and as usual made some fabulous creations! The topic for this week as habitats, so first we briefly discussed what we have learned about them so far and what they would like to know more about in the coming weeks, then we drew a few habitat related things on the board- an igloo and a penguin, and an ocean with a fish in it. We asked the kids to respond based on this, whether it's something we have talked about related to habitats, their favorite habitat, their favorite animal or anything else.



In science, the kids continued to explore habitats and the things that exist within them! In the first science session, the kids got a chance to work on habitat worksheets, where on one side there is an illustration of a habitat and four blank spaces for the animals that live in it, and on the other side is a variety of animals to choose from. Then, they cut out the illustrations of the animals and matched them to the habitat. In the next session, we worked on some crafts for an exciting new project the class is starting- a jungle habitat center! We will be sharing more about this in the coming weeks. The kids have demonstrated so much knowledge and curiosity!


This week in math, the kids continued their work on patterns. In the first math session, kids made color patterns with various classroom materials. We challenged them to make a different kind of pattern than what they made last time (for example if they made an ABC pattern last time, this time they can try an AABB pattern and so on). After familiarizing themselves with color patterns, the kids moved onto patterns with shapes. First, we did a refresher on shapes, where we asked the class to share some shapes they remember seeing in class or around their lives. They recalled hearts, triangles, squares, circles, and rectangles. Then, we brought out materials of various shapes and showed them some examples of patterns they could make with these shapes. After the demonstration they got a chance to make some shape patterns and they did a fantastic job with this!


This week in art, the kids got started on something new and continued working on something from before as well. For the new project, we saw that the class was very interested in the recycled CDs in the innovation center so they decided to foster that interest into a mosaic on a canvas made out of these CDs. To start off, we gave each kid a CD and a variety of primary colors, and had them mix colors and paint. We were so amazed by the unique qualities that each of their decorations had! Next week, they will continue painting some CDs that have been broken up into half and quarter pieces, and then collage them onto the canvas. In clay, the kids had previously come up with the idea of making a big house as a collaborative project. This week, they got busy making the house and built the main walls and foundation! We can’t wait to see how both of these projects turn out.




Our activities for next week will be:

Monday- Music and Movement

Tuesday- Literacy (zoophonics)

Wednesday- Math

Thursday- Library

Friday- Science



Our Specials

Tuesday- Ethiopian Center

Wednesday- Gymnastic

Friday- Art



  • Please don’t forget to send your child with a hat and sunscreen as it gets sunny after snack!

  •  On Thursday, please return Library Folder.

  • On Art days, please make sure to send your child with an art appropriate clothing!

  • Have a wonderful weekend!


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