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A fun filled, productive week in Pre K!

Dear parents,

We are so excited to share about yet another wonderful week in Pre K. This week, the kids put final touches on some of their clay projects and continued working on their mosaics, dove deeper into patterns and habitats in math and science, made some stunning journal entries, and had a lot of fun doing it!


Large Group

Large group was a rousing success this week! In preparation for family day, we have been reflecting on what we have learned over the school year during our circle time discussions. We have also been talking about what family means to us. The kids have had so many kind and touching things to share about this! They are also continuing to thrive in their daily helper roles, and take on more responsibility each time.

Music and Movement

Music and movement this week was fun filled and energetic as usual! This week, the kids warmed up with the “Hello from your head to your toes” song which we introduced in large group a short time ago. The kids are memorizing the choreography and melody of this song so well, we are very impressed! Then, they got to try something new with 2 new movement songs on the agenda with plenty of freestyling, marching, and fresh moves! They then did “the floor is lava”, which is always a favorite! They kept moving and grooving until right before clean up time, when we did a calming cool down song. This was a wonderful session and we can’t wait for our next one!



This week in literacy, we spent some time zeroing in on ending sounds. The kids got a chance to spend time working on a sheet where they had to first look at a picture, identify what is in it, say the word out loud, then identify and circle the ending sound. The worksheets were filled with plenty of familiar zoophonics animal faces, and some new words too! We first did one sheet together as a class, then the kids got a chance to make space for themselves and work independently. They did a fantastic job with the worksheets, and were so engaged! They also got a chance to work in their journals. Before we got started introducing the journal topic, we had a discussion about something that has been an ongoing theme in our class talks- family. We talked about what family means to each of them, and then tied it in with our upcoming family day celebration. We asked the kids what they remember if they have been here for a family day before, and then we introduced our prompt which was simply whatever they felt inspired to make about family day. The range of ideas was truly breathtaking and as always, so creative.





It was a week of review and refinement in math! In our first session, we asked the kids to recall what we’ve learned about patterns so far and they shared lots of wonderful insights and recollections! Then, from assessing the answers they gave we thought it would be a good idea to go over color patterns (which is what we started this topic off with) one more time. The kids are already very familiar with ABAB patterns, so we asked them to give us examples of ABCABC patterns or a different kind. They were very engaged and made such great patterns. With that refresher done, in the following session we dove deeper into shape patterns using our classroom materials. Overall, it was a productive and fun time in math this week.




For science, we continued to explore what we have been working on with habitats. In one session, kids got a chance to work on various worksheets to do with this topic. Some were mix and match, while others asked kids to cut out animals and paste them where they think this animal might reside within an ecosystem. They are so interested in this topic and are learning so quickly! We are very proud of the kids’ growth. The kids also got a chance to work on some fun science crafts for their upcoming habitat center project! We look forward to seeing how this turns out.



It was a busy and fun week in art! In our first art session, the kids got a chance to paint their clay works, which were recently fired in the kiln. First, they worked on their airplane. They discussed what the color scheme should be, and while there was a large array of initial ideas, the class made a fantastic compromise on a plane with a white main body, black wheels, pink windows, and a red yellow and green wing. Their precision and attention to detail in painting this was very commendable! Next up was the house that they built. For this, they did some really interesting and innovative color mixing, and ended up making a unique purple shade. They also continued to work on their mosaic project, which they painted a base for last time. This week, they decided on the composition of the mosaic and got started on building it.


Our activities for next week will be:

Monday- Cooperative Game

Tuesday- Literacy (zoophonics)

Wednesday- Math

Thursday- Innovation Center

Friday- Science


Our Specials

Tuesday- Ethiopian Center

Wednesday- Gymnastic

Thursday- Library

Friday- Art




●       Please don’t forget to send your child with a hat and sunscreen as it gets sunny after snack!

●       On Thursdays, please return their Library Folder.

●       On Art days, please make sure to send your child with art appropriate clothing!

●       We have family day this coming Saturday (March 23) and our football game with ICS this coming Tuesday (March 26)!


Have a wonderful weekend!



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