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A week in our Early Preschool & Preschool Group

Greetings Parents,

Guess what? The grass area is open to play and explore with the different playing structures! The weather was so sunny and nice making it a wonderful opportunity for us to discover new exciting things!

We would like to Invite dear parents and whole LE family to come and join us in the celebration of Demera also known as Meskel, in our school compound, Tuesday September 26th starting from 1 PM. We will have Ethiopian Coffee ceremony, Demera, Snacks, performances and lots of fun. Please help us celebrate by wearing your traditional Ethiopian Attire, it is optional though!

  • If your child attends half day class schedules, we would like to kindly ask you to join us in the afternoon celebration session

  • September 27 Wednesday, will be closed for the celebration of Maulid Holiday!

  • September 28, Thursday, will be close for the celebration of Meskel Holiday!

Our large group this week was filled with lots of new songs, new dance moves, and reading book to one another. On our message we had days of the week, attendance and weather. We were also talking about Meskel celebration and we practiced the 'Abebayehosh' song, which we will be performing on the coming Tuesday for Demera in our school compound.

Small Group

Cooperative games : Pass the Ball

we prepared balls and the game was to pass the ball to our friend and hold still when it is said to freeze. This helps us how to follow instructions, listening and responding, and understanding directions. Also it helps us build our social relations and skills in creating a team feeling.

Maths Exploring with shapes

we took our class as it was a lovely weather, there were different shapes which were drawn on the outside wall. We soaked different color Chalks in water after it dissolved and we used it as a paint to color the shapes on the wall with sponges.


It was about time we explored with paints. we all put on our art smacks and started exploring with bright and colorful paints. the kids picked their favorite color and started painting on a paper with brush, some of the kids preferred to paint with their hands.


Matching our Zoo phonics was lots of fun! we prepared A4 sized zoophonics cards and the mini ones. we recalled their sounds and actions. we laid the zoophonics which was our name initials. some of the kids were able to recognize and identify their initial letters and matched accordingly, and some of them matched which ever they wanted.


Goopy Slimy- A Messy but a fun activity! we continued our explorations with feeling textures. We had Corn flour and water set. we added some corn flour into two tubs and first we explored with the texture and feeling by our hands, then we started dropping and adding water to it, the kids loved and were amazed by the change they were experiencing on their hand.

What are our activities for next week?

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Maths

Wednesday – Art

Thursday – Literacy

Friday – Gymnastics

Our specials

Tuesday – Library

Friday – Science


  • As it might be raining please send the children with raincoats and boats , as it might also be sunny please send your child with a hat and sunscreen.

  • On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing.

  • On your Child's Library day, please don't forget to return their Library Folders

Have a wonderful weekend!

From the Early Pre-school and Pre-school team



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