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Abebayehosh Week in our Kindergarten

Dear Parents,

Hello, we had fun and exciting week. The children were learning fun and exciting ways of singing ‘Abebayehosh’ they were saying lemlem with their lovely voices and we really enjoyed singing the song and shared a ‘kebero’ (drum). We have been practicing the abebayehosh song so we could share different cultures with our kids and also to be prepared for the celebration that we have on Tuesday.

Friendly Reminder:

We would like to Invite dear parents and whole LE family to come and join us in the celebration of Demera also known as Meskel, in our school compound, Tuesday September 26th starting from 1 PM. We will have Ethiopian Coffee ceremony, Demera, Snacks, performances and lots of fun. Please help us celebrate by wearing your traditional Ethiopian Attire, it is optional though!

  • If your child attends half day class schedules, we would like to kindly ask you to join us in the afternoon celebration session

  • September 27 Wednesday, will be closed for the celebration of Maulid Holiday!

  • September 28, Thursday, will be close for the celebration of Meskel Holiday!

Large group

For our large group session, we started by singing the good morning song, explored the world of sphere, participating in the circle time calendar activity strengthened our time management and organizational skills, sharing about our days allowed us to connect with one another. It was a week filled with learning, creativity, and friendship. “Amazing airplane” was a book that they were excited to know about the part of the planes and was happy to go through the pages.

Small group


This week we have done hunting names from papers and our class were so engaged and happy to see their names and their friends name on the papers, we also stick our names on the worksheet we had a fun and exciting class.


This week we worked on an activity ‘Flip it’, Make it’ and ‘Build it’, on this lesson our class were engaged and focused, was also excited to flip and see what number they will get when they flip over the card. We had fun while doing this activity.

“This is number 10 look” Kevin.

“I want number 20” Haon


For our journal session the teachers shared our journal stories first, they were excited to hear our side of the story after we finished that they started doing their journal by telling a story about it. we were so happy to see them expressing their feelings while drawing, it was a fun class.

“My big house” Michael


This week, we did the good eating habits again because the kids were excited and happy about it; we also encourage children to share their knowledge and experiences with various foods, used visual aids, such as flashcards, to illustrate examples of healthy and unhealthy food options, gave them worksheets that encourages children to categorize foods as healthy or unhealthy. Provide a variety of food images and told them to color healthy foods ‘Green’ unhealthy foods ‘Red’ the class was a fun and engaged class.

“Chicken is half healthy and bad so red and green” Frankie.

“I love cookies” Andre.


For our art class we planed to do tree by using our hands, we drew our hand on the paper cut it out then stick it on the other white paper, after that we stick our fingers on the paints, all the kids started getting creative and the results were really great. what other fun way is there to learn than being creative and yourself. we were so proud of our kids.

Our plan for next week is as follows: -

Large group

Songs: -Good morning songs

Circle time calendar


Small group

Monday: - Literacy

Tuesday: - Math

Wednesday: - No school (For Mowlid)

Thursday: - No school (For Meskel)

Friday: - Co-operative game / Music


  • Every Wednesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

  • Every Thursday is our art day so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

Thank you for your time!

Have a blast weekend!!!



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