Active And Experimental Times In The Pre-K Class
Greetings dear parents!
How was your week? We hope you had a wonderful week. As usual, it was an energetic and educational week in the Pre K class.
Large group
We started our class with a familiar, beloved routine- singing the "Good Morning" song. After that, we read a book together as a group, and we also engaged in our circle time activity with songs. This week, their favorite song was an exercise song titled “let’s get fit”. The children were inspired by the message encouraging us all to stay active, and loved singing and dancing to it to start their days!
This week during literacy, we did a matching letter activity, since one of our main focuses has been learning letters. The class got a chance to practice a fundamental topic within the English language- practicing distinguishing between capital and lowercase letters. For this particular activity, the class matched the capital letter to the lowercase one. We are so proud of how engaged and focused they were!
In this week's math session, we did an engaging "Circle the Greater Number" worksheets. Activities like this one can help Pre-K children develop early math skills, such as number recognition and comparing. It’s a great exercise for teaching children to identify which number is bigger. On their worksheets, there were two numbers under 10 side by side and the instruction was to circle the greater (bigger) number. This activity not only helps children practice comparing numbers but also reinforces their understanding of counting and number order.
This week in our science activity, our class explored how different drinks affect our teeth and the importance of brushing our teeth by doing a fun science experiment. We started our experiment by putting a whole egg in four different liquids: water, vinegar, orange juice, and Coca-Cola. We left the experiment overnight, and then the next day, the students observed the change in the egg. The children learned that our teeth can easily stain from different drinks we consume. If we do not brush our teeth at night and in the morning, the food and drink we have during the day will be left to coat the teeth and can stain them permanently or lead to tooth decay. To further demonstrate the experiment, we began brushing the egg with a toothbrush by applying toothpaste to the egg. They were amazed to see more and more of the Coca-Cola stain get brushed away.
This week our Gymnastics was as exciting as ever! We started by going outside to the grass area for a warm up, where we did different activities, like climbing up the mountain play structure one at a time. The children also had a blast on the monkey bars, holding themselves up then swinging from one bar to the next. Gymnastics is a wonderful way for children to build strength, confidence, and critical physical skills. Furthermore, activities such as this one can help develop muscles in the arms, shoulders, and back, which is crucial for young children who are still building their strength. This was one of their favorite gymnastics sessions, and we look forward to doing it again soon.
Next Week’s Schedule:
Large group
Songs: Good morning songs
Circle time calendar
Books: I'm Not Cute!
Small group
Monday: Science
Tuesday: Math
Thursday: Literacy
Our Specials
Monday: Ethiopian center
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Art
Every Tuesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.
Every Wednesday is our art day so please send your child with art-appropriate clothing.
Thank you for your time!