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An Exciting Week In Early Pre-K

Dear parents,

This week our class enjoyed doing different activities in different developmental areas! And as this academic year is coming to an end, we are making sure the children are having more fun and making more memories.

Here is our week in Brief,

Happy Birthday Mitsuki and Hongyu

Large group: In our large group this week we continued with the same shape and number from last week which are the pyramid shape and the number seventeen ‘17’. As for the sound of this week, it was the letter ‘O’ sound, and the class enjoyed sharing the different words they know that start with this sound even if their names have the ‘O’ letter or not.

“My name has o” Leopold.

“Me too, my name has the letter o after the N” Noam

Math: On Monday Early pre-k class worked on identifying and counting numbers (1-20). We started the session by counting numbers 1-20 using flashcards, then one by one the children got the chance to choose the number they wanted to count and the materials they wanted to use.

“Red, red” Hongyu

“Three” Mitsuki

Music: Our class enjoys the game where they listen to an instrument and then guess the name of it. We gave them the chance to do it again, we used the speaker to play the sounds of different musical instruments then they guessed the names of the instruments. After that, they had a chance to explore the instruments such as the xylophone, Shaker, and keyboard’.


“This the flute” Noam

“Guitar” Alen

Science: For our science session this week we went outside to check the flowers we planted before. When the class arrived next to the flowers, they started looking at them and everyone remembered the color of the flower they planted and noticed the change that happened to it. After that, each child watered their flower!

“My flower is orange” Alen

Literacy: This week the children enjoyed working on their journals! We started our session by sharing the different ideas that we can do on a journal then after everyone got their journals, they chose the colors of the crayons they wanted then everyone got busy drawing and coloring.

“I want only blue” Leopold

“The flowers are different” Tang Tang

Library: On Thursday our class spent a nice time reading different library books individually and in small groups too. After that, they had the chance to choose the books they wanted to take home.


“I want to read with Leo” Solomon



Art: This week we finished the ‘Under the water’ canvas by adding different kinds of leaves to present the see weeds. The children were so happy to see the result!

We also painted a new canvas background using the color orange. For this new canvas, our class had an idea to do something from the animals’ topic and they chose to do a cat.   

“Yes, yes cat. I like cats” Julia




Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Tuesday- Art

Wednesday- Makerspace

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastic


Keep in mind

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Tuesday and Friday are the Art class days please have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a wonderful weekend!










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