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Bi-Weekly Blog for Infant and Toddlers

Greeting Dear Parents,

We had an exciting two weeks; We hope you had a wonderful holiday !

  • We are planning a celebration to mark the 100 days of school! This special day will be celebrated on Tuesday, January 31st. As part of our plan, we have decided to wear different colored shirts that day, the chosen colors are Purple, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Pink. We will have a fruit stand for all of our students to have at snack time. We hope you are excited as we are, Happy almost 100 days of school!

What we have been doing for Large Group

During our circle times, we discussed about sharing; how they have to share with their friends, taking turns, how they have can be gentle to each other. we then sang our every day favorite songs:

‘Good morning', 'baby shark','miss Polly had a dolly’ and other songs. Following, We worked on our attendance to see who is here and who is not here ,then we read a book titled ‘Eye, nose, finger and toes, brown bear brown bear what do you see’,and 'I need a hug'

What we had been doing for Small Group

Movements (balanced walking); we exercised our bodies well then tried to balance ourselves. The material that we used were a gymnastic bench and colorful musical dots. first we discussed and showed them about how they can walk on the gymnastic bench by balancing their selves with their hand by making a t- shape, they were supper excited! Then after walking on the bench they had to jump in between two of the musical dots laid down on the floor. Then the children started to walk one by one on the bench carefully and keeping their balance. After they finished walking they jumped on the dots. All the kids were very interested. some kids were counting their steps and jumps, and some was identifying and shouting the colors they were jumping on. This activity helps the children to develop their gross motor skill, balancing themself and how to wait for turn. The activity was very engaging.

Art(painting ); our Art activity was exciting, we used different colorful papers, different colorful paints and ear cleaner. First we discussed about the colors and we showed them how they can use an ear cleaner to make our art piece. The children were vary eager to start, then they choose their own color paper, paints and then start painting on their paper on their own creative ways.

Literacy(Hunting letters); This couple of weeks, we were exploring with letters by hiding letters in, under and on top of different materials, but on our previous session, we hid it in the sand and some of children dig out the letters and shouted and showed the letters they found. Some of the kids used their hands to dig the sand some used their foots, and some used a shovel. After a while some of them started to make castle and a cake with sand.

Library; On our library day, we went to the Library class, then we discussed about our rules, how to be gentle with our books, not to tear, that we don't lick it. Then, the children choose their own book and read it by themself, when it was about time to clean up, we all sat together for a couple minutes and read 'Five Green speckled frogs'.

For Next Week

Small Group

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday - Gymnastics

Special days

Art: Tuesday

Library: Wednesday

Work time:

Blocks center

Dramatic center

Sand box

Maker space


· Every Tuesdays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· Every Wednesdays is our Library Day, so we will be sending a folder with a book your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.


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