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Blog for Early Pre School and Pre school

Hello, dear parents!

The past two weeks have been amazing. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of our first family day.

What Early Preschool and Preschool did spend their week?

Cooperative game: Fine motor skills refer to how we use the smaller muscle groups in our bodies to perform tasks. The most common examples involve the muscles in the hands, fingers, and wrists. When a child develops their fine motor skills, they’re also mastering their coordination. Using the smaller muscles requires thought, action, and precision.

We encourage our children progression with fine motor activities. So, we have planned our game on their fine motor skill development the game goes like this: we hang lots of peg on their shirt and make them in pair after that they were competing to take the peg from their shirt by using their fingers. It was not such easy for them some of them just try to pull it rather than using their fingers to take it. That was a fun way of developing fine mote skill for our children’s. We enjoyed the game.

Literacy; - We worked on our zoo phonics. We have been revising the letters that we had learnt before by making the sound and showing the action that they make. After that we choose the letters that we want and trace along the letters by using play dough.

Science; -this week in our science class we explore and discuses about the means of transport, land transport (car, bike, scooter and train) for water (boat) for air transport (airplane, air balloon and jet) we were looking at the pictures of this means of transports. Most of our children’s have experienced most of the transports depend on that we were having an amazing discussion on this issue. After the discussion we were drawing the means of transport that we travel with.

Art; - We incorporate our lesson with our science class. We discuss and plan to make an airplane by using paper and glue. We roll the paper, cut papers for the wings and paste it with glue after that we decor it by drawing pictures on the airplane. That was such a fine art work we all liked it.

Math; - little ones have quickly grasp the concept of counting. We have been counting numbers in different ways like, by counting bears, woods and by counting people around us!! We practice matching the numbers with the correct number of objects from the number flashcards post on the wall in our class.

Preschool and Early Preschool Explorations schedule

For Preschool

● Monday - Cooperative Game

● Tuesday -Literacy

● Wednesday – Science

● Thursday – Math

● Friday – Library


● Tuesday – Music

● Wednesday – Art

For Early Preschool

● Monday –Cooperative Games

● Tuesday-Literacy

● Wednesday – Science

● Thursday –Library

● Friday – Math


● Monday - Music

● Friday – Art


● The weather is changing so don’t forget to put a hat and sunscreen in your child’s bag.

● On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.

● Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.

Have an Enjoyable weekend!!



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