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Blog For Early pre school Preschool And Early Pre -k

Greeting Dear parents, On this note we kindly ask for you to send your child’s favorite book from home that they can share in class, it is completely OK if your child does not have a favorite book from home that they can share, they call always go through our library and chose books.

We hope you had a week; we sure did!!

We would like to appreciate and say thank you to all the parents that have attended our family day celebration thanks for showing up to support, socialize and learn about your child’s learning journey so far.

Our big, large group have been like this.

We must say large group is the most exciting part of our daily routine every day, it’s a time we relax, plan our day, talk about what gets our attention and talk what’s close to our hearts. Monday was extra especial because our class was excited to talk about family day and that how their parents spent a day with them at school.

“I was eating lots of ice-cream."

“I come with my Mum and Dad.”

“When is people’s day I didn’t come?”

“My mum was looking at my carrots.”

This week we have been discussing about our class rules because we have observed some challenges regarding behavioral changes among our students. So, we revised our class rues and class expectations.

Our preschool and early Pre-K students are excited about books these days, so they planned to bring their favorite book from home so they can read it to their friends in our large group. This helps our kids improve their language skills. And develop their imagination of creativity and their confidence too. On this note we kindly ask for you to send your child’s favorite book from home that they can share in class, it is completely ok if your child does not have a favorite book from home that they can share, they call always go through our library and chose books.

What have we been up to this week on our small group?

  • Literacy

  • science

  • Math

  • Art

On our literacy sessions we kept our exploration on zoo phonics letters and their sounds. exploring with alphabet letters helps the kids with their future reading achievement. Learning letter names can help with learning letter sounds, which benefits overall reading skills. So we start our class by revising the zoo phonics that we have learnt before then we introduced letter 'Mm’. We have been searching for friend whose name start with the beginning sound Mm. thus we have been discussing about the action and search for words that start with Mm.

" I know my friend Maki start with M."

"M is for moon."

" M for Marta and Mekdes. "

" M is for mountain."


This week during our science class we discussed about our plants that we planted in our garden. We went out to our garden to observe how they are growing. Some of our plants start to grow but some of them were not so based on this we had an amazing discussion on why our plants are not growing. Our class shared their ideas as follows,

"Maybe the sun is not here. "

" I know the rain was hitting our carrots."

"Mine is pointy that is why “

"It is too small to grow. "

So we all plan to look after it every day and also suggested solutions in regards to how we can have a nice environment for our plans and also see if we can do a trial and error with other plans seeds as well


This week during our math class we worked on shapes. We revised the shapes by letting our class draw it on our morning message board and by asking to identify the shapes from the given shapes. We have observed that our kids have good knowledge about shapes we have noticed that they even start to analyze data by counting the shape and compare among the others. That was such an amazing class that we all have enjoyed and learn at the same time.


This week in our art class we worked on our button art project that we have started before a week. we planned to finish up our project so we fill the canvas with different color buttons and we add some zippers on it. We needed to work more on it to see the final result so we keep it as a work in progress and plan to finish it the coming weeks.

Our special this week for preschool and early pre –k were.


This class is becoming our kids favorite class, they love to mold different shapes make different animals and play with mud.

We incorporate our pottery class with science. We were collecting different leaf’s from the garden then we roll the leaf on the mud to make a leaf print. After that we pick the leaf from the mud. we all got amazed to see the leaf print on the mud then we cut out the leaf print from the mud and we keep it to dry to paint it and decor it to make it more nicer.

Maker space

This class helps our kids develop their problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, active learning, and technology use. We were planning to make different things in this class this was such a great way for us to know more about our kids’ interest. They were drawing their plans on paper like plan to make car, spider, chair and they even plan to make build their mum and dads using recycling material and loose parts, we are super excited to see how that is going to turn out

Preschool and Early Preschool and Early pre –k Explorations schedule

For Preschool and early pre –K

  • Monday - Cooperative Game

  • Tuesday -Literacy(Exploring zoo phonics)

  • Wednesday – Science(making Goop)

  • Thursday – Math( Shapes)

  • Friday – Library


  • Monday –pottery

  • Tuesday – Music

  • Wednesday – Art

  • Friday –gymnastic

For Early Preschool

  • Monday –Cooperative Games

  • Tuesday-Literacy(Exploring zoo phonics)

  • Wednesday – Science(making Goop)

  • Thursday –Math( Shapes)

  • Friday –Art


  • Monday - Music

  • Friday – Art

  • Thursday – Library


  • The weather is changing so don’t forget to put a raincoat, boot and hat,

sunscreen in your child’s bag.

  • On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.

  • Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.

Enjoy your weekend!


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