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Blog for Early preschool ,Preschool and Early Pre -K

Greeting Dear Little Einstein's Families!

Hope you all were having a great week like we did. We all were busy working on activities that we can show up on our family day celebration that we will have on Saturday, March 25 and we hope you just pin it on your calendar. That we all love to see you there.

What have we been up to this week?

● Cooperative game

● Literacy

● Art

● Math

on our cooperative game we were working on Playing with hoops that offers many benefits for children. It helps them develop gross motor skills, balance, body awareness, muscular coordination, and rhythm. Apart from its physical benefits, hooping is great fun for children and their teachers. To play the game we start by collecting a hula hop and a cone. Thus we were having the game like this we put the hula hoop on the ground and we start to jump inside then we pick one and run till we get the cone and put it back and run to the first and keep jump and run to put it on the cone till the last hula hop. We were all bit tired but we all like the game

Literacy we were having our journal. we all like this class because it is a good opportunity for us to share our stories for our friends and hear about their stories too

"I was playing with my brother but the rain comes and we run off to home and start dancing "

"My mum and my dad was playing ball with me"

"This is a spider, dinosaurs and Lola my dog sleeping in my bed"

"This is pink Abigale I like pink and I love Abigale too"

on our Art class we were having a button collage art work. we were having lots of different buttons that helps us to make our buttons collage art project. We start our work by drawing pictures on the canvas then we choose buttons that we want from the options and start sticking the buttons on the pictures that we draw on the canvas. After we stick the buttons the work was looking absolutely abstract that we all like it.

on our Math class we were working on patterns AABBAABBAA. The students were having a good knowledge about patterns so this idea find them easy. We let them to use different objects like (pompoms, buttons, flakes) to make the pattern thus they all making it in such easy and bit different ones. That we have observed that our kids have a good knowledge about patterns.

Preschool and Early Preschool Explorations schedule

For Preschool

  • Monday - Cooperative Game

  • Tuesday -Literacy

  • Wednesday – Science

  • Thursday – Math

  • Friday – Library


  • Tuesday – Music

  • Wednesday – Art

For Early Preschool

  • Monday –Cooperative Games

  • Tuesday-Literacy

  • Wednesday – Science

  • Thursday –Library

  • Friday – Math


  • Monday - Music

  • Friday – Art


  • The weather is changing so don’t forget to put a raincoat, boot and hat, sunscreen in your child’s bag.

  • On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.

  • Don’t forget to return Library folders on your child’s library days.

Enjoy your weekend!



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