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Blog for Infant and Toddlers

Greeting dear parent


Dear parents, we had a wonderful week, our annual art auction is just around the

corner, and we are planning for the special event! We hope to have you parents. Our auction night is going to be on the 27th of May, from 6PM – 9PM.


Large group teaches the children how to be part of a team and leads them to develop social skills, rhyming skills, and teamwork.

We have been reading a books with our children titled ‘Clifford's animal sound’ and ‘say please little Bear’, singing songs in our large group is our favorite time, songs can make children motivated and excited, plus it teaches them vocabulary and speaking, working on our attendance is the other exciting part of the large group all the children participate when we say whose picture is this.


Small group

 Small group is time to explore with daily activities. Our small Group was fun and



what we did for a small Group.

Movement (Yoga)

Math (counting)

Art (painting on the paper)

Literacy (introducing Zoo phonics letter)


Yoga helps strengthen children growing bodies and helps them improve their flexibility.We started Yoga by making a big circle and discussing the poses that we are going to do, then we started to make a pose that the children were following; like stand like a tree, crawl like a baby, snake movement after we finished, we did breathe in breath out. The activity was fun and enjoyable



Math (counting with macaroni); for this activity we used play dough, macaroni, lamented paper, and straw. The infant ones were just squishing and rolled but the toddlers were sticking the straw on the play dough and put the macaroni inside the straw at the sometimes they were counting. 


In this session we let our children paint on the paper by using different paints and they were sharing paint between them while the children were engaged.


Literacy (introducing Zoo phonics letter); we introduce our children to the zoo phonics letter and the action of the letter. Then we let our children explore with the zoo phonic card.


 Small group  

Monday – Music 

Tuesday – Math 

 Wednesday – Science  

Thursday – Language

Friday - Cooperative game


Special days

Art: Tuesday

Library: Wednesday


Work time

Our work time for this week and next week will…

Car and tracks center

Blocks center

Dramatic center 

Sand box



· Every Tuesdays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate


· Every Wednesdays is our Library Day, so we will be sending a folder with a book

your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library




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