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Blog for infant and Toddlers

Greeting dear parents,

We would love to say thank you for coming to the art auction. We hope you had a good time. We also want to say thank you to all parents who joined us for parent teacher conference. We enjoy the discussions we had about your children.

One week left until the end of the school year! Next Friday is going to be our last. It has been a wonderful and fun year.

Friendly Reminder

· Please returned the library folder!

June 12: Two Different Shoe Day (Let your child choose two different shoes and wear them for that day.)

June 13: School Theme T-shirt Day (White, Red, and Blue, these three colors are our school’s theme colors so help your child choose one and let them wear a color of their choose from the three.)

June 14: Pajamas Day (Our children can come to school wearing their pajamas.)

June 15: Book Day (Open for parents from 8:30am – 12pm! The whole morning schedule will be mainly focus on exploring with and reading books, different reading areas will be prepared in different corners of the school compound, please feel free to come when you can and read a book with your child and class in addition you can bring your child’s favorite books to share.)

June 16: School Closing Day (Open for parents beginning 10:30) The Last day of school will be bittersweet for all of us.

Since it is the end of the school year, we celebrated different days this week. On Monday, we celebrated T-shirt backward day. All the staff and some of the children wore their T-shirts backwards. On Thursday we celebrated teacher appreciation day. The children gave gifts to their teachers. We felt special so we thank you all!

On Friday we celebrated Water Day, the teachers and the children washed their class chairs, and what better way is their than to finally splash each other! The children were very excited.

What we did this week

This week we had music and movement. For music we listened to different songs that made the children excited and happy. It was a fantastic time, the children sang along and danced to the music. Another activity that we did was tracing letters on printed letter paper with play dough. At the start we gave the children one alphabet letter. Then we asked them what letter they had. Some of them were able to identify the letter they had. Then they used play dough to make the shapes of the letters.

Small group

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Math (color)

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday - Cooperative game

Special days

Art: Tuesday

Library: Wednesday


· Every Tuesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate




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