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Blog for Infant and Toddlers

Greeting Dear Parents,

We hope you had an amazing time on family day. Thank you for coming and having fun with us.

What we did for large group ?

As always we sang songs like ‘Good Morning’, ‘Hello’, and family song, we discussed about family day, we worked on our attendance and we read a book titled ‘ At the park, What is a family’

What did we do for a small group

Our small group was so much fun and exiting

Passing water in the cup; first we discussed about the material that we had, then we gave a cup for each child which had water in it,then they started to pass the cup but most of our children were interested filling in on other cups rather than passing it on, then we changed the activity to filling water bottles, they were so excited to see the bottle getting full.

For math we had counting activity. We prepared different types of materials we count with. We had Macaroni, Straws, Tongue presser, and Play dough. We then discussed what we are going to do, how we are going to count with the different materials we have. After letting them explore, they stick the straw, the macaroni, and the macaroni on the play dough. As they we were sticking they were also counting 1 and 2 and 3 and went up to 10. This activity also help them to work on their fine and motor skill.

Science our activity was making goop; we used corn flour, water, tub, and art smock. First we put the corn flour in the tub and let the children feel the texture. Some of our friends didn’t want to touch it, they just sit next to the tub and touched it with their pointy finger. After some exploration we add water to mix it with the powder, then it started turning to slime they were very interested to explore with it. They were also to experience some cause and effects

For the next week small group

  • Monday – Music

  • Tuesday – Math (Counting)

  • Wednesday – Library

  • Thursday – Science

  • Friday - Gymnastics

Special days

  • Art: Tuesday

  • Library: Wednesday

Work time

Our work time for this week and next week will be;

  • Car and tracks center

  • Blocks center

  • Dramatic center


  • Every Tuesdays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

  • Every Wednesday it's our Library day, so we will be sending a folder with a book your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.



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