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Blog for Infant and Toddlers

Greetings dear parents,

We hope you had a wonderful week like us, we had a fruitful couple two weeks. We are happy to say that we also made changes in classrooms. We moved our class to the room next to the director’s office where it is used to be the PreK and kindergarten room. Our PreK and kindergartens are growing in number, so they took their old classroom back and we exchange the room. We are happy to be back to our old room where we enjoy the outside space too! We removed the trampoline and now we are using the outside space as a free choice area! Our Group were very interested exploring the outside free choice areas! For morning free choose we had different musical instruments, movable library, puzzle, and kitchen area for pretend play. Every day was different free choices!

This week we also had three new staffs joining the LE family, two of them are going to be the Infants and Toddlers and the Early Preschool Aides!! We like to officially welcome them to the team!!

Large group time

Our large group took a long time than usual this week, the children were very interested to share about their morning and what they did after they came from home. (Having simple conversation with children helps them to develop their language and communication skills and confidence) after that we sang our favorite song, then we went through reading a book titled ‘OH DEAR’ and ‘COLOR’ then we worked on our attendance. They also had a chance to stick their name picture on the attendance list.

Small group time

Exploring with animals and their sounds; our children were very interested to read an animal book and make a sound of the animals. We took that observation, and we plan to explore with animals and with their sound. First, we read animal book and listen to animal sounds then we gave them printed animals’ picture and let them to explore at the same time we asked them what animal it and what sound is it makes. The activity went very nice, and all the children participated.

Matching colors ; whenever the children see any colors they call out the color of the material from that observation we wanted to challenge their understanding on color so we made a plan about matching color, the color we used were ‘Red’, ‘ Green’, ‘Yellow’ and ‘ Blue’ and we used baskets for each colors before we start the activity we read color book, and we sang color song , then we went on matching colors the children pick the ball and put in the same color of basket after they finished they looked for colored materials around the class put it in the same color of basket. The activity went really well; we will be continuing to explore with colors for next couple of weeks too!

Mixing color with goop; the semester of the team is gardening before we start gardening before digging deep with gardening and other environment activity, we wanted to explore with different messy and feeling texture activity, then explored with corn starch and added water. After taking time and exploring the mixture we then added food color and had our own fun experiment.

Library; On our library day we discussed about the rule of library and how to handle books. Then the children choose own book and read it by themselves. Before finishing the class, we choose a book called the ‘Animal’ book and read it all together!

Small group

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday – Gymnastic

Special days

Art: Tuesday

Library: Wednesday

Work time

Our work time for this week and next week will be

Car and tracks center

Blocks center

Dramatic center

Sand box

Maker space


· Every Tuesdays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· Every Wednesdays is our Library Day, so we will be sending a folder with a book your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.



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