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Blog for Infants and Toddlers

Greeting dear parent

Hello dear parents, we had a great time with our children at little Einsteins’. We had lot of exploration time at our large group and at our small group.

Quick Reminder:

· School will be closed From November 7th to 11th for Fall Break!!!

· There will be an optional Parent Teacher Conference on the 3rd and 4th of November. Schedule a time from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

Large group

Our large groups were fun and educational at the same time. We started our large Group by having a conversation with the kids by asking how their morning passed. What they had for breakfast? Some of our toddler friends shared what they ate and how their morning was by saying “GOOD” after we worked on our attendance, we sang different songs related to their body parts And Opposite things like; big, small, tall, short, fast and slow, our finger play song were ‘Incy wincy spider’, ‘Family finger song’. Our favorite large group books were title ‘Dear Zoo’ and ‘I like myself’.

What we have been up to on our Small group

Our small group was very engaging and interesting. Our Math (Differentiating Opposites), Science (Exploring with ice), Music (Finding a sound), Cooperative game (Bowling) Art (leaf stamp)

Music; was all about finding sound in to different places, we played music on our speaker and hid it in different places: under the pillow, inside the shelf, inside a box, in to the chimney, then the children were trying to hear where the sound was coming from and started searching for the speaker all around the classroom. The children were very interested talking to each other saying “It is not here”, some of them stood in the middle where exactly the sound was coming from, but they were tricked.

Math; our activity for Math was brainstorming about Opposite words, we explored with different materials like Yarn, Blocks, Ball, Water jar and Fabric. The opposite word we used was Big - Small, Tall- Short, Fast-Slow, Wet - Dry, Empty - Full. Before we started our activity, we read a Book called ‘Opposite’ then we put all the materials on the floor and let them explore with it, at the same time we asked the children “Which one is an empty one?” “Which one is full, big, small, tall, and short?” The children were very engaged in the activity.

Science; our science activity was exploring with (Ice and Animals), the children were very interested to touch and feel the ice and see what is inside the ice, in the beginning it was very cold some of the children did not want to hold it, they just look at it, after a while they noticed something colorful was in the ice, they started being curious to find out what is inside in the different ice cubes and started throwing it on the ground until the ice was fully shuttered or melted and finally they were able to find different colored and types of animals.

Art; our art was exciting. First the children collected the leaves from all around the school compound, after that the kids painted the leaves with different color paints then they stamped it on the paper. After all the process the children made beautiful leaves and stamp artwork and we talked about the fall season.

Our week in Pictures!!!

Next week Small group

Monday – Movement

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Literacy

Friday – Cooperative game

Special days

Art – Tuesday

Library -Wednesday

Work time

Our work time will be

Sand box center

Block center

Dramatic center

Puzzle center


· Every Tuesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· Every Wednesday is our library day, so we will be sending a folder with a book your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

· We would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack!!



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