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Blog for pre k and kindergarten

Dear parents,

We shared love, happiness, and memorable moments this week as always! Spending our time playing and enjoying with our little friends makes us think how blessed we are to be teachers!

We read our books, we practiced writing, we counted the calendar, we wrote numbers and stacked it on our caterpillar’s tail, we danced and sang songs, and we did our sight words by reading them and making sentences as well in large group!

Small group


In our literacy session, we were practicing to spell and write words using magnetic letters. Both PreK and Kindergarten friends were given the magnetic letters to spell words and read them. All the children did well. They spell words like now, family, at, go, did, met, one, cat and wrote their names.


One important part of teaching young children about math is helping them learn the concepts of “more than,” “less than,” and “equal to.” These concepts are key in beginning to understand addition and subtraction.

We kept working on the topic “more and less” using our favorite Playing material called magnet. The children made pair and started counting the magnets on their hands and compared them using the words more and less.

“I have five and Yazeed has seven magnets so mine is less”.

“Four is less than eight “

“You have more magnets than me”.

“Six is more than three”.


Playing football recreational is fun for most children, but beyond the excitement of working towards victory, emulating their heroes, and partaking in a spirited game with friends, there are subtler benefits for young football enthusiasts. Like any extracurricular sport, recreational football is proven to help young players develop long-term skills and shape their social strengths during crucial phases of childhood.

Every Wednesday, we’re all about creating the most beneficial experiences for our little players! We witnessed that our friends are learning not only playing football or scoring a goal, but they are also understanding teamwork, helping friends and being curious for what they love!

Work time


Of course, gymnastics is super fun; however, there are also many health benefits of gymnastics! With regular classes, our children can literally get a “jump start” on development. This activity challenges the whole body, from head to toe.

Gymnastics classes offer our little ones a foundation on which to build a lifetime appreciation for fitness. While physical training has so many beneficial qualities for the body, it also works wonders for the mind! The rigor and discipline needed in gymnastics class carry through into other aspects of a young child’s life!

Exploring mud

Key developmental milestones achieve through mud play! As children grow through their formative years, mud play will help them achieve many key developmental milestones, such as fine and gross motor skills, sensory awareness, balance, and coordination. We love the time for exploring mud by creating different things like airplane, cars, ball, coffee pot and so many things!


Children form many connections and ideas of how the painting process works for them, as well as what they enjoy about it. Watch a child painting and you will see a fully engaged child. We can almost see children’s thoughts, such as, “When I push my brush flat, my line gets bigger,” or “I like stirring this, but I don’t want to put it on paper or touch it,” or “I mixed red with more red and orange, and got fire color red!” While we listen and observe, we may begin to understand the way a child perceives his world, his developmental abilities, and his needs or interests.

The pre-K and kindergarten class starts working on canvas. We did different

paints on different canvases. We all are exited to go to the Art studio and

explore our beautiful canvas work!


  • We seem to have rainy days quite often than expected. We kindly ask you to send your child with rainy day outfits so we can make the most out of our time at school.

  • On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.

  • Don’t forget to return Library folders every Friday.

Pre-K and Kindergarten Explorations schedule

  • Monday - Literacy

  • Tuesday Mathematics

  • Wednesday –Football training sessions 9

  • Thursday – Journal

  • Friday Social Science


  • Monday-gymnastics

  • Wednesday- clay crafts

  • Thursday– Art

  • Friday -library

Have an enjoyable Holiday!

The Pre-K and Kindergarten team!



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