Blog for Pre k and Kindergarten
Dear parents,
It has been a very fun and productive week. We hope your week was amazing too!! We would like to say good bye to our little friend Tsubasa and wish him a wonderful and an enjoyable time in his next step. In the other hand we are so excited to welcome back our friend Tanishq to the pre k and kindergarten group!

Large-group time is when children and adults get together to sing, play, talk, and plan. Our large group session was filled with lots of fun. We did our calendar, feeding our caterpillar, we keep dancing and singing, we are working on sight words (so, called, said,), answering the question of the day and writing our name on the white board.
Small group
It’s the time when we explore academic areas like literacy, Mathematics, social studies, science and so on.
Literacy time
Writing with children provides numerous opportunities to develop children's emergent literacy capacities including making meaning/expressing ideas in texts, fine motor skills, concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, and creating and exploring texts. We keep practicing writing the alphabets (a-z). We categorized the small case letters like sky,fence and ground based on the way we write them.
Mathematics time
Measuring Height Activity for Kids – In the early years it is important to expose children to measurement concepts. In the beginning we use non-standard measurement (yarn) in the previous Mathematics session, and we introduced standard measurement ruler and meter. At the beginning of the class, we discussed about what things we can measure using ruler or meter. Finally, all the children were interested to measure their height and tell how high they are.
“I’m 1.05 meter”
“You are 1.25 meter”.

“I’m 1.08 meter”

Football time
LE teachers and students all love football and it's easy to get caught up in a game and become focused on enjoying football. Yet there is much more to be gained from the football experience than just winning. When children and teens are involved in football, they can learn and put into practice values that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Good sportsmanship is one of the life lessons that children can learn from sports like football. We can help the children understand and value good sportsmanship while making sure they have a safe and fun sports experience.
Good sportsmanship may seem hard to define, but its hallmarks include being able to win without gloating, respecting one's opponents, and being able to lose gracefully.
Before the match between the kids and the teachers started, we discussed about that we play football for fun! It doesn’t matter whether we win or lose but enjoying it is what matters! It was a very fun filled football time! The children learned how to play as one team!

Friendly reminder
· The match is scheduled for 18th of May (Thursday)
· The time is 10:15 to 11:30
· Place – International Community School (ICS)
Journal time
We have Journal time every Thursday! All the children got a Journal book that they use to express their amazing ideas! While they are drawing or writing something on their Journal book, the teacher opens a classical music that lets the children calm and think deeply! We love how our Journal class is calm and the stories our children shared to the class! The Journal session helps the children to develop their speaking skill, phonological awareness, and fine motor skills.
Social Studies time
Observing that our little friends being interested in cars and tracks, we started
exploring the land, air, water transportation using pictures, toy cars and toy
airplanes. They all were excited to discuss about the transportation

We seem to have rainy days quite often than expected. We kindly ask you to send your child with rainy day outfits so we can make the most out of our time at school. On our Art days try to send the children with Art friendly clothing.
● Don’t forget to return Library folders every Friday.
Pre K and Kindergarten Explorations schedule
· Monday - Literacy
· Tuesday Mathematics
· Wednesday –Football training
· Thursday – Football Match Day
· Friday Social Science
· Monday-gymnastics
· Tuesday-dance training
· Wednesday- clay crafts
· Thursday– Art
· Friday -library
Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend!