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Blog for pre k and kindergrten

The football enthusiasts!

What a memorable week! It was one of the amazing weeks, we had here in LE! 

We all were trilled playing football for fun! We would like to thank all parents and teachers who were actively motivating our little friends! In the other hand, we would love to thank our amazing photographer Marina for capturing the moments.

The other big event Art auction is happening a week after! Art auction is the day we are going to see how our children are exposed to Art and change their learning journey into Art! Plus,the proceed will be for donation! mark your calendar for May 27th ,2023. DO NOT MISS IT!

Our large group

The main topic in our large group was FOOTBALL!We were discussing about the rules of football,how we solve problems while playing and so on. All friends were participating and sharing what they know about football.Even though we were busy about the football topic, we didn’t forget to make our calendar, feed our caterpillar, answering the question of the day, and exploring sight words.

Small group



Our main activity in our small group was Literacy.  We keep practicing writing the small case. we wrote the small case letter from a to z on the white board saying fence, sky, and ground.  The children were given writing stripe to write the fence letters (a,c,e,i,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z). Our little friends were engaged and wrote the fence letters nicely.


The Art studio is very busy getting ready for the art auction.We made a lot of amazing canvases.We can't wait to present in the Art auction evening!

Wednesday and Thursday 

Both days were the days of football. We were getting ready for the football match by practicing and discussing all about the football match on Wednesday.

The actual day for football was on Thursday. It was unforgettable and incredible experience for both the teachers and the children. We begin the game by greeting and doing some exercise to warm up our body. The ICS (Eagles) friends were very welcoming and cooperative! After the warmup exercise, the game between the LE and Eagles started at 4:45. The belchers sit to cheer up holding some musical equipment like shakers and shouting “Let’s go LE Lets go” “Let’s go Eagles Lets go” and then the players stood on the middle of the field. When the referee blew the whistle, the children started the football game with amazing energy! All the children were playing nicely and giving the best to score and play it well. Our children were playing respectfully and smartly. They played 10 min before break and 10 min after break. At break time, they drank water and discussed with their coach Biruhe. When they scored, both the fan of Eagles and LE were cheering for both players! The teachers were shouting “go go Zizu” “well done Eliab” “good job Tanishq”. The result was all the children and teachers were super-duper excited and explored football game very well which was the focus of the game! For the sack of counting the scores, it was 3 to 3. By the time we reached at our school LE, all the LE family shouted out and cheer for the pre k and kindergarten friends! It was enjoyable experience! Thank you, all our little friends, for giving it all and our coach Biruhe! We enjoyed it well and can’t wait do it next year too!


We are busy getting ready for the art auction.We kept working on the canvases and completing the artwork, we started already.We love Art!

Pre K and Kindergarten Explorations schedule 

· Monday - Literacy 

· Tuesday Mathematics 

· Wednesday -Music and movement 

· Thursday – Journal 

· Friday- Science 


· Monday-gymnastics

· Tuesday-dance training 

· Wednesday- clay crafts 

· Thursday– Art 

· Friday -library 

                     Have a great weekend!



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