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By weekly blog from the Infants and Toddlers

Dear parents,

What an amazing couple of weeks we had! We have welcomed a new staff member named Martha to our infants and toddler’s family as the group is growing in numbers.

The past two weeks for small group were a lot of fun. The activities we had were music, art, treasure hunting with shapes, exploring with shapes, and exploring with animal sounds.

We had a wonderful time while doing Exploring with Animal Sounds. For this activity, we used pictures of thirteen different animals and a recording of the sounds they make.

We started this activity by displaying the pictures of the animals and talking about the animals we see. Following that, we listen to the recording of the sounds that the animals. When the children heard the sounds they got really excited, especially when they heard a lion roar and a dog dark. After that, we put the pictures back on the ground and tried to match the picture with the sound.

The other activity we had was Exploring with Shapes. As it was our first shapes activity we started our activity by introducing the shapes we are going to use for our activity. Which were; circle, triangle, and square. We gave each child one of each shape so that they can see and feel the shapes individually.Following that, we gave them cardboard with the three shapes printed on it so that they can match the shapes that are on their hands. As they matched the shapes we talked about the shapes they had on their hands. We continued our shapes activity during our art class.

At beginning of our art session, we tried to recall the shapes we talked about during our exploring with shapes activity. Following we put some 3D shapes on the table so that we can further discuss the shapes. When we were done talking about the shapes we put out some paint so that they can dip the shapes in it. The children enjoyed stamping different shapes onto the canvas.

Plans for the next weeks

Monday- Music and Movement

Tuesday- Exploring the Garden

Wednesday- Making Sound wall Materials

Thursday- Shape Monster

Friday- Art

Have a nice weekend!!

Infants and Toddlers Team



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