Christmas Vibe!
Greetings parents!
Christmas is near and our students are ready to celebrate this joyful holiday, we can see their excitement as they begin to decorate and make Christmas trees with magnets early in the mornings.
What we have explored with during large group:
Practice writing: our group is becoming very good with writing skills, the rules of writing strip and the ‘Two finger’.
Exploring books: we have explored different books this week. From all the books we read so far, ‘Volcano’ seems to be the book of the week, as it talks about what Lava is and how islands are formed.
Christmas month (December): since this is the month of Christmas, our friends are super excited to have fun in planning and decorating for the Christmas holiday! They are also excited as they are going to say bye bye to December soon and welcome a new year as they have already started counting down for the year 2022.
What we have explored with during our small group:
Journal: our little friends were so busy drawing on their journal, and they got the chance to shares their story with the rest of their friends.
Eliab: “I draw Ethiopia country”
Yanet: “I draw a flower, grass, rainbow and snow”.
Vitamin: since we have talked what vegetables and fruits are, and that they are one of the healthy foods. This week we decided to talk about “Why are they called healthy foods?” and asks like, “Do guys know what vitamins are? So, we have started our discussion topics like “Why do you guys think fruits are healthy?” “What do you think fruits have inside them that makes them healthy food?” And our little friends were smart enough to answer, “Because they make us strong and healthy so that we can have a beautiful hair” therefore we introduced them to what vitamins are, where we can find vitamins, why they are good for us and why fruits are healthy.
Addition and number identification:
Pre-kindergarten (Frankie): we started counting and identifying numbers from 1 to 5 with Frankie and it was really fun!
Kindergarten: last week we revised the topic ‘Addition’ and what the plus and equal sign indicate and how we have more when we add numbers together. So, this week we did some addition worksheet and as one of our friends say “Easy pisy mac and cheesy” It was easy for them.
Islands: we have finished exploring the map, but there was one thing left, Islands. This week we talked about what islands are and where we can find them in the map? Our little friends where so fast enough to notice them from the map and say they are “Tinny tiny just like my little fingers and have no neighbors” and showed us where they are on the map!
Backward walk with water balloons: as our groups really enjoy playing with water balloons, this week we played a game called, ‘Backward walk with water balloon’ which they have to walk backwards holding a water balloon to reach a tub, drop it and run back to get another one. Finally pop it on the wall.
o Our Library day is every Thursday, please makes sure to send your child with library book so they can change another one.
o Our Art day is on Tuesday so please do not forget to send them with their Art cloth.
o As the day is getting sunny, make sure to send your child with extra cloth and sunscreen.
Pictures the week.
