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Early Pre-K Last Week!

Dear Parents,

We would like to take this chance and thank you one more time for joining us last Thursday during our Demera celebration- our celebration was complete because of your presence! We hope you enjoy the blog.

Large group

Over the past week, our early Pre-K class has been focusing on some exciting foundational concepts! We introduced the color blue through sorting blue objects and finding blue objects in the class. We also explored the rectangle shape.

In addition, we spent time learning about the sound of the letter ‘d’ and the number four ‘4’. The children practiced recognizing the sound of the letter ‘d’ by learning some beginning sounds such as ‘Dog, door, duck’.

We also spare some time in our large group to talk about our Demera celebration, what we are going to wear and the song we are going to sing!


Last week our class has been learning about tally counting, a simple way to track numbers by making marks. We used popsicle sticks to help the children visually understand how tally marks work. Through hands-on- activity, they practiced making a mark for each number they chose to count. 


For science our class learnt about the importance of taking care of their teeth! Each child brought their toothbrush and toothpaste from home, and we practiced brushing in school to reinforce healthy habits. We read a book that showed us why we need teeth and how many we have, and then guided us in steps to brush our teeth.

The children had fun practicing in a brushing activity where they learned the proper techniques, including how to brush all surfaces of their teeth. This hands-on practice has been a great way to help them understand how to take care of their teeth and keep their smiles bright!



During our library session last week, we read an engaging book titled ‘Do Not Lick This Book’, which introduced the children to children to the fascinating world of microbes. The book taught them about how tiny microbes are and where they can be found, including our skin, teeth, and even our clothes. The children were fascinated to learn that while microbes are too small to see, they are everywhere around us!


Last week, we had an exciting literacy activity in the class area where the children went on a zoo phonics hunt! We hid flashcards around the garden, on the tree house, on the slide, and on the swing. The children eagerly searched for the cards, and each child found two flashcards to bring back to the group.

After the hunt, we gathered together and called out the names of the Zoo phonics animals, and the children took turns handing their flashcards to the teacher. This interactive and fun activity helped reinforce letter recognition.


Our last Thursday art activity was all about the bonfire! While the children were looking to see the real bonfire we decided to make a card that has a small bonfire on it. We started off by going to the grass area to collect some small tree branches and sticks, then headed to the art studio.

After that the children stuck the small sticks on their cards as well as the ‘Adey Ababa’ flower on top! They were all so proud to see that they made their own bonfire.   


Cooperative game

Last week, the children enjoyed a fun cooperative game that involved teamwork and movement! We split the class into two group that sat down in a row facing each other and set two hula hoops for reach team, we placed five small balls for each group. The challenge was for the children to work together to move the balls from one hula hoop to the other.

The children took turns carefully passing the balls to each other while making sure that none of the balls dropped. It was a wonderful way to build collaboration skills while having lots of fun.

Demera Celebration

As mentioned earlier, last Thursday we got together to celebrate Demera, a traditional Ethiopian holiday. We had a blast with a bonfire, singing and dancing, and so much more! Once again, thank you to everyone who came for that.

Our next week’s schedule

Monday- Math+ Music

Tuesday- Science

Wednesday- Literacy

Our Specials

Tuesday- Library

Thursday- Art

Friday- Ethiopian center+ Gymnastic

Reminders and notes

  • Tuesday is our library class so make sure to send the previous book back to exchange.



 Have a great week!



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