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Early Pre-K This Week

Dear parents

Welcome back everyone! We hope that you and your family had a great fall break.

Our students are excited to be back to school and meet their teachers and friends.

Join us for this year's first family day happening on Saturday, November 04, 2023.

What we had for this week

Large group: Our students were happy to meet again after the break and all had something to share. For this week we had the number five ‘5’, the color orange and the square shape. The morning message this week was about students tracing numbers 1-5 on the board, finding ‘Squares’ and ‘Number 5’ on the wall and counting how many boys and girls are in the classroom.

Math: We kept going with the pattern topic though this time we worked on ‘ABC’ patterns. The students did very well creating an ‘ABC’ pattern using different materials like books, crayons and blocks.

Wednesday afternoon we mixed art with math by decorating the number five using dry leaves and our students enjoyed feeling the texture of the dry leaves.

Cooperative game: This Tuesday we played ‘Pass the Ball’ For this game students were passing a small ball from one to another using paper plates and they got to work on their balance and eye- hand coordination and team work.

Monday afternoon the students enjoyed the ‘duck, duck, goose’ game which helps practicing turn taking and our students now try to make sure that everyone got his/ her turn. “Now it’s your turn” said on of them.

Music: This week on music session we had time exploring some musical instruments and then the kids enjoyed singing ‘The free song’ and dance according to the song instructions.

Science: This week we started a new topic ‘Transportation’. We focused on the land transportation, students had fun sharing the sounds of the different vehicles and discuses which one is faster than the other. Moreover, they shared how do they come to school everyday “I come with the school van” shared one of our students!

Literacy: On Thursday we had a fun game with the zoo phonics where we had some of the flash cards laid on the floor and the students one by one try to find a letter and when they have to quickly grab the cards.

Library: This Thursday the book tittle was ‘Terrific Trains’ which matches the transportation topic. Our students loved the idea of the trains also have traffic lights and when the train goes all the other cars and people have to stop.

Art: Today we had a painting activity were students painted each other hand on glass they enjoyed looking at each other through the class and painting. This activity helped them work on there fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.

Gymnastics: This week in gymnastics we worked on straightening the arm and hand muscles by hanging like this!

Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Tuesday- Clay

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

  • As the weather is changing, please send your child with a hat and sunscreen.

  • Please make sure to drop your child early in the morning before 8:40am.



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