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Early Pre-K This Week

Dear parents,

This week our early pre-k class came back from the break filled with energy! Everyone in the class was excited to share the different activities they did during the break.

Happy Birthday Alen and Leopold

Here is our week in Brief,

Large group: In this week large group a new 3D shape was introduced which is the ‘Pyramid’ and our class had fun comparing the pyramid and the cone and how each shape has a different base. We also had a new number which is number seventeen ‘17’ and now the children got a better understanding of the two-digit numbers concept. Our sounds for this week were ‘M and N’ and the class enjoyed listing the friends’ names that start with these two sounds!

Math: As we continue working on understanding the numbers’ concept especially the two-digit numbers. So, we traced the number fourteen and colored fourteen baseballs, but first of all we started of by counting numbers 1-20 then we learned together the proper way of tracing the number ‘14’. The class had fun using different colors for the baseballs as they strengthen their hands’ muscles!

Cooperative game: Team work is one of the important skills that children learn in their early ages so this week game helped the class to practice this skill. We started off by splitting the class into two teams then we counted the same number of small balls for both teams. After that, on the count of three each team started to pass the balls from one side to the other, then we also worked on our gross motor skill by passing the ball over our heads too.  


Ethiopian center: On Wednesday early pre-k class had fun visiting the Ethiopian center. The children enjoyed the pretend playing time they had in there because they got to make and drink coffee, cook some food using the Ethiopian traditional utensils and also playing music and singing.

Literacy: As our class enjoys associating words with their beginning sounds, we thought of having an activity that can allow them to practice that more. So, we prepared different objects that have different beginning sounds such as ‘Marker, spoon, airplane, dinosaur, lion, ……’. After that we put the zoo phonics on the board and each child came up, choose an object and took the beginning sound from the board and stick it on the object.

Library: This week’s story was stressing on the importance of being nice to each other and friendship. “Gary and Ray” was the title of the story which is a gorilla and a small bird who turned out to be good friends at the end.

Art: Our class continued with ‘Under the water’ canvas this week. Last time we painted the water and did the sand so this time we made some of the animals that the kids chose to do such as ‘Sea horse, octopus, jelly fish, star fish’ using different colors of paint.


Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Tuesday- Art

Wednesday- Makerspace

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastic

Keep in mind

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Tuesday and Friday are the Art class days please have your child wear suitable clothes.


Have a wonderful weekend!









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