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Early Pre-K Weekly Blog

Dear parents,

Here we are finishing another week of the second semester! It was very nice witnessing the kids getting to know each other more and more while learning and discovering new things.

Large group:

For our large group this week we had different board messages. We counted numbers (1-10), we had a game where each child had a shape flash card and when their shape name is called, they come and stick on the board. Moreover, we spoke about the three magical words (Thank you, please, sorry) and how it’s important to use them daily with all the people around us. Our new song for this week that the kids really enjoyed is called “Choo choo wa”.

Math: This week we worked on our counting skill. We started by counting numbers (1-20) then we counted objects.

Cooperative game: Our cooperative game for this week was developing gross motor skill. We prepared different challenges for the kids to do. The first challenge was carrying one small ball from one Hula hoop to the other secondly, was scoring a football, thirdly, playing hopscotch using hula hoops on the floor and, lastly it was scoring a basketball. The kids really enjoyed moving all their bodies to accomplish the challenge.

Science: This week for our animal’s topic we focused on “Sea animals”. We started the session by having each kid sharing on animal name and till everyone if the animal is big or small and where does it live. After that the whole class shared about the animals that live under the water and the information, they know about it. We finished the session by looking at some sea animals flash cards.

“The whale is a big animal” Noam

“I don’t like the shark” Mitsuki

Literacy: Our class had fun drawing and coloring on their journals.

“This is Spiderman” Leopold

“Spider” Malachi

“Ducks” Tang Tang

Library: Everyone had fun reading a book and choosing a book to take home on Thursday!

Art: For art session this week we associated the craft with the science topic ‘Sea animals’. We created a blue fish by painting a paper plate then decorated it by using colored cereal and gave it one googly eye at the end.

Our Schedule for next Week

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art


Our specials

Tuesday- Clay

Wednesday- Ethiopian center

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics



  •  Thursday is library class make sure your child has his/her library book and folder.

  • Friday is art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

  • Next week Tuesday 23rd of Jan our cooperative game will be a water fun game so make sure to send a change of clothes and a pair of crocs or slippers.

Have a good weekend!

Happy Ethiopian Epiphany



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