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Early Pre-school/Pre- school and Early Pre-K

Dear Parents,

Happy new year! We hope that everyone is having a great time spent with the family and friend as we are still in the holiday’s mood preparing our self for another Christmas “Gena”!

Large group: We had another combined class this week. The kids were happy to see their friends from the other class joining them and spending more time together. Most of the kids wanted to count the friends in the class like last week and see if we have more boys or girls and we also traced some shapes on the board.  

Our activities and projects for this week

Christmas post card: The first thing that comes to mind at Christmas time are presents and post cards. Last Monday, we made a Christmas post card where the kids wrote and drew on one side and decorated the other side.  

Big Snowman: To work on our teamwork skill, we all made a big snow man together. We first talked a little about the weather in winter and the clothes we wear, then we started to put the glue on snowman’s body and stick the cotton on top. To finish the art piece, we gave snowman two eyes, a nose, and a hat.

Christmas Tree: Our Christmas tree for this week was made from stamping green circles on a paper and as for the Christmas tree light, the kids used colored fingerprints. Moreover, for the Christmas tree star, we put a pom pom on the top and at the end sprinkled some glitter.

Baking cookies: This baking activity was the kids’ favorite! We started this activity by talking about the ingredients we need to make cookies, then we mixed the ingredients together. After that each child chose a zoo phonic to trace using the cookie dough and went all the zoo phonics cookies were baked everyone enjoyed eating it!

Christmas tree ornaments project: Today we finished this project that we started last week. Each child decorated an ornament by painting it the color he/she chose and then put some glitter on top of it. Afterwards, we went outside and used the ornaments to decorate our trees in the grass area!

Library: This week library session our class had a wonderful time reading the stories they like with their mates and then chose a book to take home.

Our schedule for next week:

Monday-Cooperative game

Tuesday- Math

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Science

Our specials


Thursday- Ethiopian Center

Friday- Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Tuesday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  •  Wednesday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

Have a nice weekend and Happy Holiday



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