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Early preschool

Dear parents,

What a beautiful and unforgettable family day, we are so happy to get a chance to have you all and we would like to say thank you for the good feedback you gave us!!

We enjoyed our week, and we hope you enjoyed it as well!

We were so happy to see our children work hard on ‘Being kind’ like, reading books together, sharing toys, using the magic words (please, thank you, good morning) to our day today schedules!

Large group

This week we started our large group by doing the attendance board followed by the ’Good morning song’. Then we did an attendance list to see who is here and who is not, after that we explored with the numbers of the week, we introduced Number nine (9) and we finished the message board by introducing the letters ‘h’ ‘i’ and ‘j’, we also had a conversation about the names and the sounds they make.

Small group activities

For Movement – since the obstacle course helps to develop a child’s strength and enough to improve their sense of balance and gets them a full - body work out, this week we had fun playing the obstacle course. How we did we do it? We introduced all the directions and went round the swing, climbing and sliding down the play structure, walking round the mountain, under the tent, jumping up and roll the mat, jump on the hula hoops. It was a tiring activity, so we made sure we drunk enough water and took a rest when we got tired.

We were happy to see how the children were following all the directions and using their body to play the obstacle game!

Science – when we start the activity, we talked about how we find the different types of bugs and insects in our gardens, and we might be able to find some and put them in a cap. The children got excited and started to look for insects on trees, on the ground, and in the using their magnifying glass, Unfortunately, the only insect we could find that day was sugar ants!

In the next section we hid different plastic insects like, Butterfly, dragon fly, ants, bees, spider and ladybugs, in the rice and we let the children look for it with a magnifying glass. They were really interested in exploring different insects and got a chance to learn the name of the insects!

Library – we also enjoyed our library time by exploring different books, we took turns in reading books and sharing our own stories, we also check out our favorite book to take home, so we can read with our parents.

Work time – this week for work time, our children got a chance to go to the Ethiopian center and we really loved making Ínjera, learning Amharic letters, making coffee, traditional dance and many other cultural things in the Ethiopian center.

Next Week

Monday – Music

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday - Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· Every Friday we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing!

· We would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.

· Every Thursday is our Library Day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday!



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