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Early Preschool!

Dear parents,

What a wonderful week we had in the past two weeks, we are happy and thankful for our wonderful parents who were here for our lovely Art Auction day and we were able to collect a good amount of money and as we promised we are going to donate it for Brhan Zare Primary School!

We would like to say Thank you for being part of this!!

Please don't forget to send a flash drive starting from next week, for the purpose of taking the children’s Photos that were taken throughout the year and for the portfolios we have prepared and their favorite Music of the year.

What did we do these two weeks?

Large group

As always we had circle time in our classroom and we talked about our morning, what they did, what they had for breakfast, after that we made a big circle and greeted everyone with the Hello song, working on the attendance list, days of the letter, days of the week, and shapes.

The children chose their favorite songs like, baby shark, the wheels on the bus, also our finger play was ‘one two buckle my shoe’, at the end we read a book with the children's choice!

Music; Music is a fun way to teach the children any learning area that can help them to develop children’s physical growth, confidence, social and communication skills as we always do. We were all moving and listening to music that easily and following the simple music direction and enjoying the movement with different beats!

Language; we explored with the zoo-phonics letters. For these weeks, we were learning the letters, n, o, p, and q. We talked about what their names are, what kind of sounds they make and what kind of actions they do as they make the sounds. The children are really interested and understanding it well, also they recognizes almost all the letters!

Library; This week is on our library day it will be the last day of checking out books from our library, the children really enjoyed having a library class, we put different books in our classroom and we let the children pick their favorite books and what they would like to read with their parents at home, after all the children had finished choosing a book they will check out, we will sit down to explore the different books found in our library.

Math; our math activity this week was counting the objects. We started our activity by counting our classroom materials, how many art works are hanged on the wall, how many books they found on the shelves, how many pillows, friends, boards, and Puzzles.

After that we gave them different color pipe cleaner, macaroni, soft blocks and Legos. The children were very busy counting the materials that we provided for them and the biggest number that the children rich up was number fifteen, Cheers parents!

Our work time centers were Blocks Hospital, Sand box, and Ethiopian center, and our special Art.

Blocks; our specials center for work time was blocks center and the children were very creative in making a plan and working on a lot of objects they used the Legos like Robot, train, trucks, house, dolls, farm, and ambulance.

Hospital center; we were exploring on different areas and had a pretend play in our hospital center. The children pretending to be a doctor, driving the ambulance, taking care of the baby dolls, preparing foods for the patient and being parents!

Next week plan

Monday- Music

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday – Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library (Last day to return library folder and book)

Friday - Art


 Thursday (Last day to return library folder and book)

 Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

 we would recommend you to send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack, but please check the weather too!

June 17, is going to be the last day of our school Year!

We would like to inform you that we have extended our parent-teacher conference.

Have a nice weekend!

The Early preschool Team!



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