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Early Preschool and Preschool

Dear parents,

Welcome to another wonderful week at Little Einsteins, we are happy to say our little Early Preschool and Preschool family is growing in numbers. We have welcomed back two of our friends from last year to our group. Welcome to Anotida and Archer.

How was our week?

For small group this week we had Cooperative Games, Science, Math, Library and Literacy.

During our literacy activity we played a game that the children enjoyed very much, the game we played was called can you find our zoo-phonic friends. For this activity we hide the zoo-phonic letter cards outside by the playground and the grass area while the children were still in their large group room. After that we went outside and talked about how there are zoo-phonic friends hiding all around the school.

The children were excited and happy to seek and find the hidden zoo-phonic friends, and when they found them they came running to their caregivers to show them what they had found. When they came to show them what they had found the caregivers talked to the children about what they saw on the cards. Following that we talked about the names of our zoo-phonic friends and the sounds they made. Our zoo-phonics exploration is going to continue through out the year as we explore each letter every week.

Another game we played this week during our Cooperative Games exploration was pass the ball. We planned this activity as a sharing, the children and the caregivers sat in circle in their classroom and talked about sharing the toys we have at school with all our friends and how we must ask our friends in a nice way; by using the magic word ‘Please’ before we take the toy they have in their hands. Following that while still sitting in a circle we passed around a ball as part of our sharing activity.

For our science activity we had a texture feeling. For this activity we prepared different material with different textures, the material we prepared were a plate of sand, cotton, tree barks, some rocks and a few wool clothes. During this activity we talked about the materials they saw in front of them and tried to make predictions on how the materials would feel when we touch. The prediction the children made were soft and bumpy. After that we got a chance to touch each of the materials and choose which material we liked better and tried to name the texture of the material that the children chose.

And on our Art Day we made a collage using small pieces of paper. So we started the activity by giving the children light paper that they can cut into small pieces, after the children finished cutting the paper we gave them a paper and a cup of glue each so that they can start making their collages.

Our plan for next week

Monday – Cooperative Games

Tuesday – Literacy

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Math

Friday – Library

Our specials for next week

Tuesday – Music

Wednesday – Art


· We have started sending the children with books every Friday on our Library day, please make sure to send the books the following week so that we can change the book for the children.

· On Wednesday please send the children with Art friendly clothing.

Thank you and have a nice weekend!

Early Preschool and Preschool team



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