Early Preschool and Preschool
Dear parents,
What a wonderful week we had, even though it was rainy and cold that did not stop us from having a good time with our friends.
As the days go by our friends are joining us back from their trip. We would like to welcome Yanis and Yazeed.
What did we do this week?
We started our days by going to our large group room and having a couple of minutes of free choice with the different learning areas that are found in our large group room. After our free choice time we clean up our toys and sat on our pillows and get ready to say “Hello” to our friends. After saying good morning to our friends, we let the children choose two or three songs that they would like to sing, the most popular choices are Funny Face, Apples and Bananas, and The Wheels on the Bus.
After singing our songs we took some time talking about the days of the week, what day it is and what kind of weather we have on that day. After we are done taking about what type of weather we had, we read this week’s large group book called “Say Please, Little Bear”.
Our small group activities for this week were Cooperative Games, Literacy, Science, Math and Library.
For Cooperative games this week we played a sharing game. We sat in a circle and asked the children a question about what we should do when we want a toy that a friend has in his/her hands, most of the children said that we have to say “please”. After we started pass/ sharing the toy around our circle, but as we were passing it the children had to say please before they were given the toy and Thank you once they receive the toy.

And for Literacy this we started exploring with our Zoo-phonic friends. For this week we started by introducing the first three letters A, B and C. We talked about what their names are, what kind of sounds they make and what kind of action they do as they make the sounds.

For Science this week we continued taking about our sense organs. Last week talked about the sense of touch and feeling and this week we talked about the sense of taste. During this activity we talked about the different tastes our tongue tastes (sour, bitter, salty, sweet and no taste). After we finish talking about the different tastes, we gave each of the children fruits representing the different taste groups. The children tasted the fruits and gave predictions to which group of taste the fruits belonged.

Our plans for next week
Monday – Cooperative Games
Tuesday – Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
· Our library day is every Friday so please make sure to send the children with their library folders on that day.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!