Early Preschool and Preschool
Greetings dear parents
We had an amazing week! The children had a wonderful time sharing toys that they had brought from home with their friends.
What did we do this week?
This week for small group we had Cooperative Games, Literacy, Science, Math, and Library.
During our science exploration, we had a chance to check on the vegetables we had planted before Christmas. We had a fun time checking on the progress of the plants. Then we talked about what helped our vegies grow, the children said, “drinking water” and “sunlight”. Following that, we talked about the things that hurt plants in our garden and how we must pick them up every time. Things that hurt our plants as we discussed with our group were rocks, no sunlight, weeds, and sticks. Following our discussion, we tried to clear our garden area from the things we talked about.
During our Cooperative Games activity, we played a game called “Can you pick it up?”, for this activity, we used a tub filled with water with plastic balls floating. We started the activity by sitting around the tubs and taking off our shoes and socks. After we had done that, we tried to pick up the balls using our feet and place them into a clear box placed next to the tub. The children had a great time!
During our literacy day, we had a fun time reminding each other about the letters (zoo-phonics friends). We tried to see if the children still remember the names, the sounds, and the stories of our zoo-phonics friends.
Plans for next week
Monday – Cooperative Games
Tuesday – Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Have a wonderful weekend!
Early Preschool and Preschool team!
