Early Preschool and Preschool
Dear parents,
What a wonderful week we had! The children had a fun time exploring different exploration areas.
What did we do this week?
This week for large group we had a fun time singing and dancing to different songs that the children chose. And exploring with the number of the week Number 5
Our small group activities for this week were Math, Literacy, Science, and Library.
For Math this week we had a fun time brushing up on our knowledge of shapes. During this activity, we went out to our garden where we sat in a circle and started to talk about the shapes they remember from previous lessons. After we talked about the shapes from previous lessons we introduced a new shape, which was Pentagon, we talked about what made this shape different and how many sides it has. Following that, we told the children that we have any shapes hiding all around the garden, as the children found the shapes we asked them what shape they found to see if they remember the name of the shape they have on their hands.
For science this week we had a gardening activity. For our gardening activity, we had a fun time preparing the area we are going to plant different vegetables. We cleaned the area by picking up rocks and picking up the weeds from the soil. Following that, we added water to the dry soil so that it can be moist.
We continued our literacy activity by talking about exploring with letters. This week's letter of the week was the letter ‘e’. During our activity, we talked about the sounds that the letter ‘e’ makes and traced the shape using playdough and markers.
Our work time areas for this week were Art, Blocks, Water Fun and Music.
Plans for next week
Monday – Cooperative Games
Tuesday – Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Have a nice weekend!
Early Preschool and Preschool
