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Early Preschoolers Weekly Blog

Greeting Dear Parents,

Quick Reminder: This coming Friday May 05, 2023. School will be closed due to the celebration of Ethiopian Patriots Day!

We had a splendid week filled with exciting activities. We hope you had a great and productive week.

Our Large Group,

We had been talking about how our morning is, how we spent holidays with our families at home, and also the frequent weather change has been some of the topics we had been discussing.

On Our message board once again we had been doing ‘days of the week’, ‘what’s the weather today?’ attendance, patterns, number of the week- this week’s number was 8, and the book of the week was 'the going to bed book'.

Our Small Group

Music, Math, Literacy, and Science

Music: As there was a good weather we took our musical explorations outside, we laid our mats then prepared speakers, ipad and our musical instruments as well. Our activity was how to follow the beats and musical patterns. So the music will lead us and we will follow, when it says clap we clap, when it stops playing we freeze and wait.

Maths: We had a matching activity. We drew four different shapes on separate 4 papers; the shapes we explored were triangle, circle, square and rectangle. So, the activity was to match different shape cards with the similar shape which was sticked on the wall. It was an exciting activity.

Literacy: It was our zoo phonics day! It is always an enjoyable day when it is time to spend it with our zoo phonics letters. On this session we prepared play dough to trace with it on the printed zoo phonics alphabet letters. We all took time to explore with the letters at first then started tracing them with the play dough. It was nice seeing the kids being so interested and trying to show us the actions and how they also sound.

Science: We had a new experimental activity! We prepared beans, chickpeas, water, cups, cotton, and plastic wrapper. We first introduced the beans and chickpeas, they all got to explore with them, we talked about how we can eat them, how they grow, and some of their nutritional benefits. Following that, we explored with cotton, what we use it for and the texture and so on. After discussing, our activity followed, so the whole plan is to make the beans and the chickpeas sprout and then to plant them in our garden next to our other plants. We got the chance to choose between the two seeds then, we put the wet cotton in the cup first and added the seeds, poured water, and covered it with a plastic wrap and we put in on our window, so that we can be able to see it everyday, and also observe the change.

Our Plans for the Next Week

Monday - Cooperative Games and Music

Tuesday - Maths

Wednesday - Literacy

Thursday - Science

Friday - Gymnastics


Monday - Clay

Tuesday - Art

Wednesday - Library


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat , boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing.

  • Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library day.


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