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Educational Explorations with the Pre K class!

Greetings, dear parents!

How was your week? I hope you had a great one. Our students had a blast this week with various exciting, vibrant activities.

Large Group

Our large group was a delight this week, as usual! Our large group plays a huge role in involving all our students and introducing new topics. This week, we focused more on vowel letters and practiced CVC words. The children were very excited as they tried to read CVC words and became even more eager to learn about them. We also counted down to our 100th school day to celebrate, which is approaching rapidly!


This week in our literacy section, we started learning about CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, which the class found very interesting. After learning about vowel letters last week, we continued with CVC words that use the vowel letter "a”. Upon being introduced to the new vocabulary, the class practiced reading these simple words.

In the second activity, the children traced the CVC words, read them, matched them to pictures, which they then colored on. This was very helpful for the class, as it reinforced their understanding with a visual aid. For the next few weeks, we will continue working on more CVC words.


This week's math focus was on the number 100. Since we are ready to celebrate 100 school days, the class activities were related to this milestone. This week, we counted our caterpillar from the beginning, discussing its color theme and pattern. The class then spent some time on a worksheet, where the children circled the number 100 out of a selection of numbers and then colored it as they wished. They were so proud to count and reach 100 days!


This week, our science lesson was both educational and amusing. We learned about planets, which each child was immediately fascinated by. We discussed all eight planets and the details that make them different. We also had a song about planets to make the lesson more enjoyable. Everyone sat in front of the class and shared what they learned about the planets, which made it a fun and interactive experience.


This week in our art sessions, the Pre K class did a coloring activity focused on Earth. This seamlessly connected to our learning regarding planets in science, which our observant learners noticed right away. In our initial science discussions, almost everyone was talking the most about Earth out of all the planets, so we decided together to do some coloring related to that interest in art class.

On the other hand, in preparation for our special celebration on Monday, we organized a thrilling t-shirt painting activity that had our children beaming with excitement. A huge thank you to all our parents for providing the white plain t-shirts, which served as the perfect canvas for our young artists. We set up an outdoor painting station, where the children took turns spraying a mixture of water and food coloring onto their t-shirts using spray bottles.

Next Week’s Schedule:

Large group

Songs: Good morning songs

Circle time calendar.

Small group

Monday: Science

Tuesday: Math

Thursday: Literacy

Our Special

Monday: Ethiopian center

Tuesday: Library

Wednesday: Art


Reminders and Notes:

Every Tuesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

Every Wednesday is our art day so please send your child with art-appropriate clothing.



Thank you for your time!



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